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Magazines - Volume 2
10 magazines available
The Majesty and Magnificence of the Sultanate
The Sultanate possesses majesty and magnificence. Human beings are devoted to majesty and magnificence. Look at the picture above. In the not too distant past we also had magnificent and majestic sultans. Why were they removed and for what purpose?
We Must Safeguard Our Tradition
This nation thrives on its traditions. Look at the picture above. How beautifully it reflects the majesty and magnificence of our ancestors. Yesterday we were like them. Today we are insipid. We have dishonored our past. Today we are dishonored. O
Today in History – April 23rd
-“Baba what is this a picture of?” -“My son this is a photograph of the 23rd of April 1920 and the first opening of the T.B.M.M. (Turkish National Assembly). -“Baba who are the people in the picture?” -“They are the first members of the T.B.M.M.”
An Ottoman Masterpiece
The architectural masterpiece in the above picture reflects the greatness and majesty of Islam. It is a beautiful piece of architecture, built more than five hundred years ago, that has withstood the fury of many floods.
The Honor & Greatness of Islam
O you wise people: Look at the photograph above and see its greatness. In the whole world there is nothing similar or equal to the Blue Mosque, the famous mosque of the six minarets, the mosque of Sultan Ahmad. The power that created it grew out of the honor of being Muslim. This is the power that faith (iman) gives to human beings.
A Glorious Nation
Do You Know? In this world there are two powers. One is physical power. The second is spiritual power. Do you know that always, since the beginning of the world, physical power is the loser while spiritual power is the victor.
The Victory of Chanakala
Do You Know? In this world there are two powers. One is physical power. The second is spiritual power. Do you know that always, since the beginning of the world, physical power is the loser while spiritual power is the victor.
The Sultanate & Magnificence
The Victory of March 18th in Chanakkala (Gallipoli) puts the Turkish Republic and its army to shame! Our words should not be too heavy on you! Our Beys and Pashas on the 18th of March run Chanakkala and give endless speeches, boasting their victory
The Tughra of the Ottoman Empire
The meanings of the symbols found in the Coat of Arms of the Ottoman State: The Sun symbolizes the Caliphate. The Crescent Moon symbolizes the Sultan. The Arms symbolize the power of the state. The F
The Sultanate & Magnificence
The system which will give the world peace and tranquility is THE MAJESTIC SULTANATE. The WORLD ORDER can stand UPRIGHT, on its feet only with SULTANATE. A WORLD ORDER without SULTANATE is unthinkable.
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