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The Maqām of Umm Hirām Apr06 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā tells the story of Umm Hirām Sulṭān and the coming of Islām to Cyprus.
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The Liars Mar31 2014 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
“You granted us to be of the nation of Your Beloved, yā Rabbi. May we walk step by step after him. They put hats on their heads, and say ‘we are his nation’. They are liars. They fight with each other. They are liars. They destroy each other. They are soldiers of shayṭān. What are these toys – weapons? If the Prophet ﷺ speaks to an ant it can shake the world.”
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Our Master's Way Mar30 2014 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
“O our Lord, may everything be for You, and for Your Beloved Habib. May we follow his steps. Walk the path of our Master and the path of his companions, and don't fear.”
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The Burden of Dunyā Mar29 2014 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
“Our Allāh ﷻ may You ﷻ dress us with Your ﷻ great almighty Name, the honourable Basmalah’s light. They can also dress you with the cloak of magnificence. Your position, your manner in the presence of your Lord ﷻ can surpass the angels. Don’t look to the world.”
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Establish the Sultanate of Heavens Mar28 2014 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
The important issue is to present that which is suitable to the one who is suited for it. How should a sultanate be bestowed upon one who is not suitable? You are sultan, you were created as Sultan. The creation has been created for you. Expand, destroy the dominion of Satan. Establish the dominion of heavens on earth.
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Say Allah Mar28 2014 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Thanks to Allah Almighty Who privileged us with the honor and joy of Mawlana's company. Mawlana's love, beauty and care exclude no one even the poor blind cat. And the order is as it has always been, "Say Allah".
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Olive Oil Mar26 2014 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Our Master, alaihi s-salatu wa s-salam, says, by the command of Allah, to use olive oil in food. Olive is a holy tree. He tells us to eat it and apply it on our skin for health. This is the news that comes from heavens.
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Going for Dawriyyah Mar26 2014 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
Using their traditional tunes and instruments, our Bashkir brothers made joyful Madih for Mawlana as he was "Going for Dawriyyah". Mawlana was very pleased with them and gave permission to film and post.
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I Want Sham Mar25 2014 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana reminisces about Damascus and he says: We did not look at the pearl contained in the shell, we looked only at the seashell. Therefore what happened to this nation in the end? They suffered disgrace at the hands of the unbelievers. Fear, anxiety, and shame and evil have prevailed.
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The Great Nation Mar24 2014 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
"I want a power which will save the people of Islām from this state of weakness. O Muslim nation, you should also wear the dress of Islām and the angels may support you" as they supported the Muslims at the battle of Uḥud (and the battle of Badr).
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Weakness Is Not from Heavens Mar23 2014 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
The Bismillah Sharif brings down angels from heavens. The weakness of our bodies goes away. No weakness remains. When we recite the Bismillah Sharif, we become like dragons.
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Endless Mar22 2014 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Our Lord is the possessor of unlimited grants. He also gives to us, He gives us endlessly.
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The Tajallī of Friday Mar21 2014 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
The manifestation of Friday is special. Whoever says the beautiful Name of his Lord, Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm, cannot be sad. We ask to be filled with Light inside and out.
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With the Sultan Mar21 2014 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana greets his guests in the garden after Jumaa. He prays for the monarchy of Libya and for all the women, without whom all the men would go to Hell.
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A Bestowal Uninterrupted (11:108) Mar18 2014 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
O children of Adam, Keep the love of your Creator in your heart. Do not leave it. Ask from Him of His uninterrupted, unfailing gifts.
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O My Son Mar17 2014 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
The earth and heavens belong to our Lord. They have no value. Allah decorated the world with Adam (as). O our Lord, send us Your holy servants who will hold us steady in the way of the Habib. My son is the Sheikh-ul-Islam. My grandson is on his way.
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Muḥammad, The Great Name Mar16 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
What is our task? To walk upon the path of the Beloved and to glorify him. What an honour to be part of the Ummah of the Muḥammad ﷺ. Ask for that and nothing else.
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The Assembly of Light Mar15 2014 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
“In the assembly of Shāh-i Mardān even if we stay a few seconds, we will be dressed from their nūr (light).”
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