This night is a great and magnificent night for humanity and Islām. It is the night when the Prophet ﷺ ascended to the heavens, and his ﷺ greatness was shown. The prayers and worship on this night are more accepted. Ask Allāh ﷻ for forgiveness and health. This is the advice of our Prophet ﷺ. Those who follow it will succeed.
The Reward of Ḥajj and ‘Umrah
Jan25 2025 Turkish 12min
The reward of Ḥajj and ‘Umrah is a beautiful gift from Allāh ﷻ. While these journeys may be difficult for the body, they bring relief and beauty to the soul. Make your intention for Ḥajj; even if you cannot go, Allāh ﷻ rewards you for every year you wait. The true benefit lies in going there. May Allāh ﷻ grant it to everyone who wishes to go.
The Miracle of Isrā’ wa-l-Mi‘rāj
Jan24 2025 Turkish 21min
Isrā’ wa-l-Mi‘rāj is one of the great miracles of our Prophet ﷺ. In one night, he ﷺ travelled from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascended to the heavens. The journey through the heavens to the Divine Presence of Allāh ﷻ was only for him ﷺ. There, he ﷺ prayed for us, his ﷺ nation. We are honoured to be from his ﷺ ummah. May Allāh ﷻ grant us to be near him ﷺ in Paradise through the blessings of these holy days.
Daily Ṣadaqah Is Your Insurance
Jan22 2025 Turkish 13min
The Prophet ﷺ taught that giving Ṣadaqah daily is a shield from harm and extends your life. Even a small act, like giving half a date, can save you from the Hellfire. Allāh ﷻ loves the generous ones. By giving every day, we seek Allāh’s ﷻ pleasure and His ﷻ protection through the honour of our Holy Prophet ﷺ.
The Fitnah of Modernism
Jan21 2025 Turkish 13min
For over two hundred years, modernism has led people away from Islām; starting with the French Revolution and continuing today. Those who follow it lose their dignity and faith. The way of the mashāyikh is the way to safety. May Allāh ﷻ protect us from this fitnah.
Use the Mind Allāh ﷻ Gave You
Jan20 2025 Turkish 19min
Allāh ﷻ gave humans intellect to distinguish between good and bad. He ﷻ asks in the Qur’ān, “Do you not use your intellect?” Those who fail to use their minds and instead follow their desires, their ego, and what shayṭān likes will regret it in the ākhirah.
The Way to Inner and Outer Cleanliness
Jan19 2025 Turkish 14min
Cleanliness is part of belief. Without being clean, no worship is accepted. We clean ourselves with water, and we make ourselves clean inside by following the Prophet ﷺ. This path leads to true purity and protection from misguidance.
Be Pleasing to Allāh ﷻ, Not People
Nov23 2024 Turkish 12min
In the Holy Qur’ān, Allāh ﷻ tells believers not to fear what people say. If you are doing things in the way of Allāh ﷻ, don’t be shy or ashamed in front of people. If you try to please people, they will make a fool of you. Be happy that Allāh ﷻ is happy with you.
Be from the Nation of Ibrāhīm
Nov22 2024 Turkish 13min
We are from the Nation of Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi s-salām. Allāh ﷻ says in the Holy Qur’ān, the best people follow the way of Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi s-salām. It is the most important thing for us. But don’t try to do too much. Islām is not difficult. Even if what you are doing is little, continue do it.
Mankind Was Created Forgetful
Nov21 2024 Turkish 11min
The word for human, insān, comes from the Arabic word meaning forgetfulness. It is a mercy from Allāh ﷻ to forget painful memories. But there are good things you mustn’t forget, especially the Qur’ān you learned by heart. Say ṣalawāt on the Prophet ﷺ to cure forgetfulness.
Protecting Our Ancestors’ Legacy
Nov20 2024 Turkish 11min
Waqf properties are sacred trusts, established with devotion for the pleasure of Allāh ﷻ, and must be honoured. Misusing them or neglecting their purpose not only invites Allāh’s ﷻ curse but spreads harm and misery to all. By protecting these legacies, we uphold justice, preserve blessings, and continue the noble work of our ancestors.
Take a Lesson from History
Nov19 2024 Turkish 14min
Allāh ﷻ says in the Qur’ān that many nations before you were stronger and more powerful, but look at what happened to them. People challenge Allāh ﷻ and become proud, thinking they are invincible. Take a lesson from history. We are only passing through this world.
Be with Those Allāh ﷻ Loves
Nov18 2024 Turkish 11min
The most important thing in life is to be with those Allāh ﷻ loves. This brings everlasting goodness, as everything in this world will pass. Even from afar, you can connect with them through your prayers. If you are happy with them, they will be happy with you.
The Prophet’s ﷺ Parents Were the Best of People
Nov17 2024 Turkish 14min
Allāh ﷻ promised to protect the Qur’ān, and it is the only unchanged heavenly book in the world. The Prophet ﷺ warned that false sayings would be spread as ḥadīth. For example, some wrongly say that his ﷺ blessed parents were disbelievers, but they are in the highest place in Paradise.
Remembering Ḥājjah Amīnah Sulṭān
Nov16 2024 Turkish 5min
There are good people, men and women, who show us the path of light that our souls are longing for. They serve people and make the path easy by showing them the way. Ḥājjah Amīnah Sulṭān was one of them. Her service reaches us all until the end of time.
Look for Real Beauty
Nov15 2024 Turkish 8min
Allāh ﷻ is beautiful and He ﷻ loves beauty. All beauty is with Him ﷻ. True beauty isn’t found in our appearance. It doesn’t fade away. It is open to everyone. Who follows Allāh ﷻ will have beauty forever.
Come to the Path of Survival
Nov14 2024 Turkish 8min
There are two paths for human beings. One leads to goodness, peace, and beauty in this life and the next – true survival. The other leads away from Allāh’s ﷻ way, to the fire. May Allāh ﷻ help people come to listen to good advice, in shā’a Llāh.
Don’t Follow Everyone
Nov13 2024 Turkish 13min
The worst oppressors are those who lead people away from the good they are doing by claiming that Allāh ﷻ ordered something else. Before following anyone, make sure what they say is right. If you take a wrong turn, return to Allāh ﷻ and ask for forgiveness.