
228 videos available
Take from the Jewels Mar21 2007 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Dunyā is an opportunity to take the jewels that the soul desires. Some people take a little and some a lot and some pass it up to take nothing of lasting value. Those who don’t take are in darkness and it shows on their faces.
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Imam Teftezani Hz. Jan01 2006 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
A group of Turks and Europeans listened one evening to a sohbat given by Mawlana in his house in Lefke. Maulana emphasized the importance of having a sheikh. He gave the example of Allame Teftezani, who on his deathbed realized that his knowledge was not enough to save him from Satan and accepted Sheikh Gulsheni as his sheikh.
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Al-Imām Mālik Nov05 2005 Arabic 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Anger based in ego may be roused when one least expects it. Training through Khalwah (seclusion) is the cure.
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Taming the Wild May27 2005 English 32min
Sheikh Nazım
The fruit of wild trees is not edible. For a tree to bear good fruit, it must be grafted. There is wildness in common people. Changing it makes them well placed for divine service. The imprisoned soul yearns for the heavens. Creation serves Man, but who does he serve? His material being. When his coffin is nailed shut and placed in a hole, his final position will be realized: a skeleton, then dust. O Man, change your wildness into good manners. It brings familiarity. Darkness leaves the face. The Lord ﷻ is happy. His ﷻ servant gains here, and hereafter.
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Khiḍr and Mūsá (as) Mar23 2005 Arabic 14min
Sheikh Nazım
An Iranian professor was asking Mawlānā about the wisdom of the fish in the story of Sayyidunā Khiḍr and Sayyidunā Mūsá (as).
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Darknesses & Light Mar21 2005 Arabic 22min
Sheikh Nazım
This sohbat was recorded at the dining table in Sheikh's house in Lefke. It is an answer to a question raised by one Iranian guest. (It is from H.Nabil's collection.)
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Real Sheikhs and Fake Ones Jan01 2005 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana describes a real sheikh who, like the Prophet (sas), trains his companions by means of sohba. He compares a fake sheikh to a ride at Disneyland. And he has a conversation with some crows who have not forgotten their Creator.
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The One Who Claims Jan01 2005 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā delivered this short, humorous ṣūḥbah in 2005 after Fajr prayer in his dergah in Lefke, Cyprus. In it he advises us to be humble and not make claims for ourselves. The man without claims is at peace. Even to claim servanthood is risky. Then he tells several stories having to do with those who think highly of themselves.
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80 Years Nov30 2004 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Begin with the Name of Allah first. Mawlana warns the Muslims to remember their heritage, remember their Lord, remember His Great Name. Without this there is no success. The last 80 years of Turkish history testify to this truth.
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You Are in Need of a Sheikh Nov30 2004 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā says: listen to this ṣuḥbah over and over. It is a whip for your nafs. You need a teacher to be an example for you of the ‘perfect man’.
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The Last Friday of Sha‘bān‎ Oct08 2004 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
On the last Friday before the beginning of Ramaḍān, Mawlānā warns people of the consequences of not fasting. He diagnoses the modern disease of depression as a lack of spiritual nourishment.
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Allāh ﷻ Knows Apr11 2004 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
We come into this impermanent existence as if ‘a closed box’ and our story begins. The program unfolds slowly, purposefully towards completion. Mawlānā explains that the wisdom of our creation is inside that ‘box’. Each one’s purpose is different. There is countless creation. Allāh ﷻ created it. He ﷻ is aware of everything He ﷻ created. Allāh ﷻ knows.
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Maqāms in Uzbekistan Apr10 2004 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā speaks about his recent trip to visit the maqāms of the Naqshbandī shaykhs in Uzbekistan and in particular about the strange manifestation at the maqām of Shaykh Maḥmūd al-Faghnāwī Hz.
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Never Before Mar27 2003 English 11min
Sheikh Nazım
In a heated sohbat Mawlana praises the Americans for their actions against Saddam Hussein in Iraq and lambasts the press and the European and Muslim nations that are wrongly criticizing them and, by doing so, defending a tyrant. He asks - has there ever been an invading nation that gave food and aid to the ones it invaded? The answer is - Never before.
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Our Real History Mar23 2003 English 33min
Sheikh Nazım
There can be no knowledge which is not based on a firm Quranic foundation, on knowledge of our real history, the history of the Prophets and their people since the time of Adam (as). The history taught today is a lie meant to profit the liars and to cheat the people.
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Sometimes War Is Needed Mar17 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā, speaking about war in Iraq, explains why sometimes war is needed. He says that those demonstrating against war are only trying to preserve themselves and their way of life. They do not care what is best for the world. But Allāh ﷻ is with those who fight for the benefit of Mankind.
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The Darkness of Materialism Mar15 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
The first step to perfection is recognizing satan, the ‘it’ – the barking dog of the universe, arguing with Allāh ﷻ. Then leave the modern scholars and scientists who reject the light of spiritual knowledge and insist on the darkness of material knowledge only.
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Satanic Training Mar13 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā warns of a terrible war that will come to teach people the value of Allāh’s gifts. People are spoiled, following the tricks of satan and not being satisfied with anything. After this war they will be ready to kiss a crumb of bread.
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