
228 videos available
Spiritual Perfection Jan12 1997 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Growing older results in a spiritual perfection. We must never be saddened by changes because Allāh ﷻ has honoured us by making us human and that never changes. Sayyidunā Yūsuf (as) in his prison was never sad. As we get older it is as if we are returning home.
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Granted to Germany Jan11 1997 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana meets with a group in Germany at the beginning of Ramadan. He praises them for their sincerity and remarks on the miracle of the German people coming to Islam and the special grants that Allah has given them.
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Ḥaqqānī Existence Dec25 1996 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh is offering to exchange your decaying body with a Ḥaqqānī eternal one. All you have to do is conquer your ego. Shayṭān will try to ride you but he will also show you the face of your ego so that you can oppose it. Mawlānā tells why it was that shayṭān was able to ride Bāyazīd Basṭāmī without a bridle.
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Shayṭān's Donkey Dec25 1996 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
The people of today have been captured by shayṭān. They think they are free but he rides them like a donkey. Beware of those people who have become allies of shayṭān.
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The New Year of the Heavens Dec25 1996 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
The 15th of Sha‘bān is one of the holiest nights of the year. Some people say it is Laylatu l-Qadr, the night the Holy Qur’ān descended to Baytu l-Ma‘mūr. What happens in the year is written this night. Whatever you ask for is granted so ask for heavenly things not things of dunyā.
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Imām Mahdī (as) Nov30 1996 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
A short summary of the coming of the Mahdī (as) to Istanbul and Damascus and the descent of ‘Īsá (as), who will follow the Mahdī (as) in Fajr prayer.
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New Name, Same Game Dec25 1994 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
They cannot bring Sharī‘ah back. Zia-ul-Haq could not do it with his army, a woman cannot do it, a nation state cannot do it. Allāh ﷻ will send one man and there will be Sharī‘ah across the world. Until then nothing changes – new name, same game.
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Know Your Limits Dec25 1994 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Keep respect for the Qur’ān and the Aḥādīth. You must know who you are and what are your limits. Interpretation of the Qur’ān is for the Prophet (sas) and the great saints. The Prophet (sas) said: in the last days there will be many preachers but few scholars.
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Green Bird, Green Desert, Green Hearts Mar27 1994 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Your dhikr becomes an angel that continues dhikr for you until Qiyama. Prayer belongs to Allah, it is His right. You cannot leave it or put it off. Mawlana tells two stories that illustrate the benefits and power of prayer and one story about the power of Allah’s Mercy.
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Servant, Worshipper or Mistaken Mar26 1994 English 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Servants must know what makes them blessed. To say “we have higher education” is ignorance. A real servant says to Allāh ﷻ, “As You like”. Those who try to force the ego to surrender are worshippers nevertheless. Those however who say “we do not need to pray” take themselves to be lord and lordship belongs only to Allāh ﷻ.
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The Crown Princes of Allāh Feb28 1994 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā talks about the order for mankind to say, “Al-ḥamdu liLlāh”. This is a special grant to man because of the honour granted him by Allāh Almighty. He is a candidate to be crown prince and if he succeeds, his kingdom is not of this earth.
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99 Steps Dec07 1993 English 30min
Sheikh Nazım
The aim of the Naqshbandī Ṭarīqah is to teach the murīd to say – “I am a weak servant.” Then he becomes available to be supported by heavenly power. If the murīd does any action to accept or to follow a Shaykh he will be supported by the Shaykh, by the Grand Shaykhs, by the Prophet ﷺ, and by Allāh ﷻ. If he takes one step, they will complete the other 99.
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Dead End Sep22 1993 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Using the road signs he saw in America, Mawlānā warns us that the world is on the ‘Wrong Way’, on a path that leads to a ‘Dead End’. They have replaced the Sulṭān with presidents and parliaments, and Heavenly Commands with man-made rules. Man-made rules command no respect and the result is unrest and misery.
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This Too Will Pass Jun24 1993 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Time is passing quickly. Neither the past nor the future is in our control. We can only be careful about the present and be thankful to Allāh for allowing us to remember Him.
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Prayer, Mercy and Provision Feb17 1993 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
The one who worries about his provision has no faith. We should pray for Mercy from Allāh Almighty. Certainly our prayers will be accepted. If Allāh ﷻ doesn't send your provision from above, what will your money give you? Treasure full of jewels will not fill your empty stomach in a famine. Do not run after salaries. But, look well after food, because if food gets upset and leaves, it is hard to make peace with it again.
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Sincerity Is the Soul of Actions Feb17 1993 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
When we have sincerity, divine support is close. Shaykh Nāẓim recounts his experiences with Grand Shaykh ‘Abdu-Llāh Dāghistānī, and the divine support from the awliyā’ at the times of war with the French in Damascus and Homs.
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Lebanon and the War Jan10 1993 Arabic 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana talks about the war and destruction in Lebanon: what caused it, what we can do about it, how we can change it and what will happen if we don’t.
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Heart Collectors Aug31 1992 English 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Search for a heart collector – a shaykh or walī. This may be hard but if you are serious you will find. Until then find a good servant, even if he is not a Muslim, and keep his company. You will be blessed.
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