
107 videos available
Take from the Jewels Mar21 2007 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Dunyā is an opportunity to take the jewels that the soul desires. Some people take a little and some a lot and some pass it up to take nothing of lasting value. Those who don’t take are in darkness and it shows on their faces.
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Taming the Wild May27 2005 English 32min
Sheikh Nazım
The fruit of wild trees is not edible. For a tree to bear good fruit, it must be grafted. There is wildness in common people. Changing it makes them well placed for divine service. The imprisoned soul yearns for the heavens. Creation serves Man, but who does he serve? His material being. When his coffin is nailed shut and placed in a hole, his final position will be realized: a skeleton, then dust. O Man, change your wildness into good manners. It brings familiarity. Darkness leaves the face. The Lord ﷻ is happy. His ﷻ servant gains here, and hereafter.
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Never Before Mar27 2003 English 11min
Sheikh Nazım
In a heated sohbat Mawlana praises the Americans for their actions against Saddam Hussein in Iraq and lambasts the press and the European and Muslim nations that are wrongly criticizing them and, by doing so, defending a tyrant. He asks - has there ever been an invading nation that gave food and aid to the ones it invaded? The answer is - Never before.
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Our Real History Mar23 2003 English 33min
Sheikh Nazım
There can be no knowledge which is not based on a firm Quranic foundation, on knowledge of our real history, the history of the Prophets and their people since the time of Adam (as). The history taught today is a lie meant to profit the liars and to cheat the people.
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Sometimes War Is Needed Mar17 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā, speaking about war in Iraq, explains why sometimes war is needed. He says that those demonstrating against war are only trying to preserve themselves and their way of life. They do not care what is best for the world. But Allāh ﷻ is with those who fight for the benefit of Mankind.
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The Darkness of Materialism Mar15 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
The first step to perfection is recognizing satan, the ‘it’ – the barking dog of the universe, arguing with Allāh ﷻ. Then leave the modern scholars and scientists who reject the light of spiritual knowledge and insist on the darkness of material knowledge only.
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Satanic Training Mar13 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā warns of a terrible war that will come to teach people the value of Allāh’s gifts. People are spoiled, following the tricks of satan and not being satisfied with anything. After this war they will be ready to kiss a crumb of bread.
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Our Souls Are Crying Mar12 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
The ego is trying to kill the soul, to crush it under the burden of material pleasures. The soul is crying and asking for eternal pleasures. But no one knows that they were created to please Allah and instead they are trying to please their egos and shaytan.
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Divine Justice Mar11 2003 English 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Now everyone is following their dragons, their egos. There is no justice, no possibility of peace. Islām is in the hands of devils. But real Divine Justice was in the time of Sayyidunā ‘Umar when even the lions ate grass peacefully with the deer.
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Sleeping Mankind Must Awaken Mar10 2003 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Sleep is heedlessness towards one’s true identity, a modern day curse. Divine grants cannot be given to a sleeping man. Satan veils him, so he doesn’t think about his end. Youngsters too with their drug culture are finished. All are in a dream. The end belongs to our spirituality and sleeping mankind must awaken.
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Men and Women Mar08 2003 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
The only sphere in which men and women are equal is in their servanthood to Allāh ﷻ. The rest is a satanic teaching whose real purpose is to dishonour women. The spread and wide acceptance of homosexuality also is wrong and an indication of the coming of the last days. We can do nothing about this except voice our disagreement.
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Ilā Ḥīn (2:36) Mar06 2003 English 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ says everything was created – ilā ḥīn (2:36) – for a period; it has a beginning and an end. The people of today, all of them Nimrods, tyrants, think they are in charge and that they and their lifestyle should never change or end. For this they fight, oppress, and kill. They do not listen and they do not think.
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Love Streams Feb19 2003 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
The one gift that distinguishes mankind from animals is the gift of Love. It is our duty to return this gift to the One ﷻ who gave it in the first place. One part is for animal love of this world and 99 parts are for our Lord ﷻ. Enter into His ﷻ love ocean. People today are on the animal level, violent, without mercy. Return to humanity.
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Run to My Castle Feb01 2003 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
The world has become a dangerous, frightening place. Allah says to us - "Run to the castle I have made for you, find safety with Me." Say La ilaha illa Allah and be in the safety of the limitless castle He has made for you.
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Ask to Reach Mahdi (as) Jun13 2002 English 7min
Sheikh Nazım
This earthly life has become unclean. When you make dua you must ask to reach the blessed time of S. Mahdi (as), the time of paradise on earth, the time when the earth is clean again.
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Listen Don’t Ask Apr16 2002 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The only question for a servant is: “Are you happy with me?” This is the highest target. Don’t be like the ants who ask to be led to food. Just listen and you will be given what is needed for eternity.
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India – Pakistan Feb28 2002 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Partition was a trick pulled on the Muslims by the West after the destruction of the Caliphate. Now they are leaving their countries in great numbers looking for work although India is the richest land in Asia. Better for them to eat dry bread than be servants of the Western people.
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The Dark Loneliness Mar20 2001 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
In a ṣuḥbah that was given many years ago in Lefke, Mawlānā diagnoses and prescribes the cure for a common modern illness. It is "The Dark Loneliness" that imprisons man and suffocates him despite the plenty of all his modern material life.
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