
228 videos available
One Hundred Sheikhs Nov30 1999 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
In his beautiful joking manner, Mawlana teaches the brothers in the dergah in Lefke an important principle of Tariqah.
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The Balance Nov30 1999 English
Sheikh Nazım
2000 - Lefke, Shawwal. Mawlana speaks about the balance of spirituality and physicality that allows man to serve his Creator and reach the Divine Presence.
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Marriage Nov30 1999 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Lefke, Cyprus, 2000
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Allah Is One Nov30 1999 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Juma Hutba - Dhu-l Qe'dah - Cyprus Mawlana speaks in Dhul Qa'ada of 2000 about the dangers of this time. We are nearing the end and Mawlana advises us to stay clear of the unrighteous, powerful forces in the world. Take refuge in Allah and let Him deal with them.
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The Time of Zuhur Oct10 1999 Arabic 13min
Sheikh Nazım
In this remarkable sohbat Mawlana reveals a conversation he had with S. Al Mahdi (as) and the inspiration that came to his heart about the nation of the end of days.
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Prepare Your Ḥaqqānī Body Nov30 1998 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Body and soul are in unity. What the soul takes, it keeps for ever. What keeps people alive? The body or the soul? The power of spirituality touch rotten bones, and they revive. On the way to the doors of paradise you will be dressed with your heavenly body. Try to prepare and provide your Ḥaqqānī body that will carry you through eternity.
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From Heart to Heart Nov30 1998 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana says if it was not for his love for us, that binds us to him, we would not have been able to come to him.
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The Purpose of Life Nov02 1998 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
The purpose of life is to be beloved by Allāh. Only this brings happiness and peace. To achieve this is easy. Just follow the Sharī‘ah, which is the scale that rates all actions according to whether they take to or away from Allāh.
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The Limits of the Mind Oct27 1998 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophets were sent to answer the important questions of who we are and why we were created. These questions are beyond the limits of the mind. Man was meant to look in and up, not like an animal always looking at the ground for grass.
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When They Angered Us (43:55) Aug01 1998 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ will take His ﷻ revenge on those that disregard Him ﷻ. He ﷻ will not leave us unpunished. What has become of us? We are so proud that we cannot raise our hands to heaven and ask for Allāh's ﷻ mercy rain. We have been taught unbelief. For thousands of years States had holiness and were respected. As was the day of Jum‘ah. Now, there is nothing sacred in schools and in our states. You cannot say "Allāh ﷻ". Nothing is sacred in secularism. Invite those around you to respect holy things. Because our safety depends on it.
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The Best of Good Deeds Jul31 1998 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
You should run to do good deeds before your intention cools or shayṭān dissuades you. Mawlānā is encouraging weekly meetings in a mosque in Lefkosha, Cyprus. Spirituality provides the bones for the social body, to make it strong and hold it together.
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The Settling of Faith Jun01 1998 Arabic 27min
Sheikh Nazım
How can Faith be reached? Mawlānā says: The tree of Faith grows as a measure of the heart’s love of Allāh ﷻ and His ﷻ Prophet ﷺ. Carefully watered by dhikr, the seed of love splits open, grows and bears fruit. The taste of the fruit of spirituality, delights. Coming from Allāh’s ﷻ Presence, it settles in the heart. Eating the fruit opens a whole new world.
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Al Haqqania Jun01 1998 Arabic 12min
Sheikh Nazım
In this stern sohbat Mawlana warns the people of today of the punishment coming if they do not take care. It is the age of darkness and oppression foretold in the Quran. He then explains his new title - Al Haqqani - the one opposing oppression, the one giving everyone his rights.
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Give May01 1998 Arabic 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana advises us to work for Allah and to give Him our best. If we keep the best for ourselves and give only what we don’t want in zakat then we also will not get the best in Akhira.
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How to Be Close to Allāh ﷻ Jan01 1998 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Following a dhikr and a beautiful Du‘ā’ Mawlānā speaks about the way to reach closeness to Allāh ﷻ. He says: If you were to fling the whole world into a man's heart, it would be as if you had flung one tiny sesame seed into the whole wide world. The heart can be filled by nothing but the love for Allāh Almighty.
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The Last Days Jan01 1998 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
In this beautiful ṣuḥbah Mawlānā warns that the only thing that can protect us in the terrible days ahead is a strong faith. When you are in need, call on the Awliyā’, the Owners of faith, in the name of any of the prophets, and they will have to respond to you.
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Make a Checkup Jan19 1997 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
If you have a complaint about your situation, check your relationship with Allāh ﷻ. His ﷻ rights should come first in your life. With the honour of being Man, comes responsibility. Find peace in spirituality and especially in the month of Ramaḍān when you belong to Allāh ﷻ night and day.
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The Favours of Ramaḍān Jan16 1997 English 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā speaks about the divine service of the holiest month of Ramaḍān. He mentions the favours associated with each of the three groups of ten days in the month. And he warns to stay away from the evils of shayṭān, one of which is smoking.
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