
228 videos available
Shaytan’s Stamp Jan01 1992 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
The angels will ask in the grave, “Who is your Lord?” If you are unable to answer Shaytan will speak. See if Shaytan is riding on your neck. It rides on many. It comes often and is present everywhere. It follows Muslims more and it controls them. Examine yourself, check yourself.
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With Some Students Jan01 1992 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
In an address to Turkish students Mawlana advises them to be content with little because fasting is good for body and soul. He also warns them against Jihad of the sword while encouraging them to wage Jihad against atheism and ignorance.
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Islam Is Coming Jan01 1992 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana compares the modern life to the life of Islam and gives encouragement that the life of Islam is coming back.
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Traveling Sep30 1991 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
In this illuminating and entertaining old sohbat Mawlana talks about the wisdom of traveling. He recounts a little of his experience at Disneyland. He tells the story of Hz Sulaiman (as) and the husband of the ant, and also the story of Hz Beyazid (q) and the monks.
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How to Get Spiritual Support? Jan31 1991 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
In this powerful talk Mawlānā makes plain the situation of all mankind. Man is weak. He is created weak. No amassing of armaments can dispel his doubt, fear and insecurity. Certainty is from Allāh Almighty; trusting in Him ﷻ alone and seeking spiritual support.
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A Swiss Saint Jan01 1991 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
All believers are honored in dunya as well as in the divine Presence. Mawlana gives as an example a Swiss saint who he says was a believer in the Prophet (sas). Keep and protect your honor.
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The War Jan01 1991 English 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Only if all of mankind asks from the Lord, "O our Lord, give us Your ﷻ blessings, Your ﷻ forgiveness, Your ﷻ mercy then You ﷻ may extinguish this fire." If they are saying, then it is so easy for Allāh Almighty to extinguish the fire of world war.
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An Ant's Hole Jan01 1991 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā counsels Americans and Europeans to seek protection in Allāh ﷻ, nowhere else. The Power of Allāh ﷻ is such that He ﷻ can shelter you in the small hole of an ant if He ﷻ wills.
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The Safe Way Jan01 1991 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
In this ṣuḥbah Mawlānā paints a picture of the state of the world and the darkness to which it is running. He then offers the simple solution.
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Heavenly Rocket Jan01 1991 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
In this English ṣuḥbah Mawlānā tells the murīds that they have a heavenly rocket that will propel them to their heavenly destination but they need the key and the training to fly it. This is the job of their Shaykh and of the five Aqṭāb.
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The Signs of Faith Dec21 1990 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā says that all goodness and beauty are contained in Islām. There is no need to look elsewhere. He speaks clearly about the different values of the believers.
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Jesus (as) Is Coming Dec21 1990 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim speaks about the greatest of creation, the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ. His ﷺ station is so exalted that the Prophet Jesus (as) will return to this world to be a member of the community of Muḥammad ﷺ.
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One Common Enemy Sep01 1990 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Since the time of Ādam (as) Man’s common enemy has been shayṭān. If Man does not accept this he will find no peace and no love and no friendship. Men leave the advice of their Lord ﷻ and follow their first friend, satan, to destroy each other.
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Unlimited Worlds Sep01 1990 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
In this other worldly ṣuḥbah Mawlānā talks to a visitor about the nature of spiritual experience. The first step is the hardest, to wean the ego from dunyā. For this one needs a guide. After that unlimited heavenly worlds open up before the traveller.
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The Three Months Feb16 1990 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
In the three holy months, day and night mercy is coming down. Allāh ﷻ granted these months to be an honour for the ummah of Muḥammad ﷺ. Those who respect and are busy worshiping in these months will progress immediately; easily reaching the pleasure of Allāh ﷻ. Who stays away from sin will feel the taste if īmān in his heart. Don’t leave your nights free. Pray and pay attention to the awrād sharīf. 
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Guard Your Honour Dec22 1989 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh has given us honour and we must guard it. It is not our way to celebrate Christmas and New Years or to be drunk and spend money. A record is kept. If we become dirty, the only way to get clean is by asking forgiveness.
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Wisdom Nov30 1989 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
In a story that Mawlānā was telling from Grandshaykh (q), a little boy says, "I am not a dog," and as little as he is and with this small sentence he teaches us many lessons.
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The Stations of Saints Nov30 1989 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Hajji Anne (ra) speaks about the grave and the stations of Saints.
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