
228 videos available
The Power of Niyyah Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Make the intention (niyyah) before every action. Make your praying and your fasting, make your life and your death for Allāh ﷻ alone. Then He ﷻ will assist you and give you strength as He ﷻ saved Ibrāhīm (as) from the fire.
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The Nature of Intention English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Intention is like the steering wheel of a ship, it sets your direction. Then if you make intention for the sake of your Lord, He ﷻ will help you take action for goodness.
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A Key for Every Door English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
There is a cure for every illness, a key for every door, a solution for every problem. But not everyone, even if they have knowledge, has the right knowledge. First they must know about themselves.
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Shayṭān’s Generosity English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Shayṭān is generous with and teaches the unbelievers. That is why the West is technologically advanced. But he has no adab and without adab there is no entry into the Divine Presence. Good adab is to be without a trace of love for this world.
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Girlfriend, Boyfriend English 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Marriage is best. You have from 3-40 days to decide to marry or not. Only in marriage will your thirst be satisfied.
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Divinely Music English 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā retells the story of the Pied Piper but with a beautiful ending. In such a way, Allāh ﷻ gives the Awliyā’ a divine music that no one can resist.
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Association English 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā begins an association in the name of Allāh ﷻ, making it holy and protected. An association is not like a lecture in school.
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The Same Atmosphere English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
We all live in the same atmosphere, the same world, whether rich or poor, except for those whose love for Allāh makes them real believers, Awliyā’. For them Allāh makes a different world, unaffected by this life. Look for them, look for the ones who remind you of eternal life and hold on to them tightly.
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You Are One Nation Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
In this old sohbet Mawlānā speaks of wisdom that applies to the current events in Turkey. The Muslims are one nation but they have become divided and weak. Allāh’s hand of power is with those whose hearts and goals are one.
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Shāh-i Naqshband Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Without Shāh-i Naqshband there would not be the highest ṭarīqah of them all, the ṭarīqah of the kings and ṣulṭāns. Awliyā’ like him are transmitters of divine blessing. Being in their presence, whether dead or alive, brings benefit.
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The Naqshbandī Ṭarīqah Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
The Naqshbandī Ṭarīqah is the only way that is still alive because it can carry the burden of this time. The Mevlevi is only for show. The Naqshbandī has authority to train the elite. Sayyidunā Mahdī (as) will be Naqshbandī and all his deputies.
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Fasting and the Ego English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Lordship is only for the One ﷻ Who creates. How can the ego claim, “I am, I do, I make?” Denying such ‘lordship’ makes your Lord ﷻ happy. By His ﷻ Grace are things done. Fasting is not cruelty but His ﷻ order to make the ego come under control because ego fears hunger the most.
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Nimrod and the Lame Mosquito English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ claims a man’s soul, saying to the angel, “Bring him to Me.” When man makes claims it is foolish, moreover dangerous. Who can challenge Allāh ﷻ? Nimrod claimed mightiness on Earth. His punishment, an army of mosquitos. Demolishing his soldiers, one tiny mosquito entered his head to finish him off.
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Returning to Our Lord English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
The recitation of Al-Fātiḥah by our Glorious Lord opened endless Divine Mercy Oceans. We were with our Lord at that opening. So, be patient and enjoy yourself despite all of life’s troubles. What awaits your return will delight you. A flying fish darts up momentarily, then, disappears into the vast ocean.
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Shukr Yā Rabbi Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
People understand favours only when they are gone. What should we do? Say the blessed words: “Shukr Yā Rabbi, Al-ḥamdu liLlāh.” They please Allāh ﷻ and are proof of man’s pleasure with his Lord. Favours and shukr are linked. Forget to give shukr and favours depart. Allāh ﷻ will not question those who constantly give shukr.
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Whom Should I love? Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Religion means to love for Allāh ﷻ and to not love for Allāh ﷻ. The angels accept Allāh ﷻ is Wise and, He teaches. The young must keep the safe way of the holy-ones and stop following idols otherwise ahead in their lives they face much danger. Why are they in trouble? Their hearts love those whom Allāh ﷻ doesn’t love.
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To the Divine Presence English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Those seeking knowledge about the galaxies must first acknowledge and praise the Lord ﷻ of the Universes. Otherwise describing the Horsehead Galaxy is just imagination. Our duty is to be humble servants and receive honour. With the methods given to us by the Almighty, we may approach Divine Presence, using spiritual power.
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Islām Brings Discipline English 12min
Sheikh Nazım
People in the west think they are free and resist any discipline. But without discipline you cannot advance. Islām brings discipline. Even to say Allāh’s ﷻ name hundred times a day will result in amazing changes.
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