People need good understanding to benefit from heavenly grants. If not, they will pursue something which will finally end up in nothing. Mawlana commenting on the mindless frenzy of modern day football illustrates that Allah Almighty has established a Balance for everything. He questions the Muslim ulama about their disregard of the Sharia and their negligence of the Heavenly Balance.
Divine Balance
Jun06 2010 English 41min
Launching Interfaith Page
Jun06 2010 English 12min
Mawlana Meets Pope Benedict XVI
Jun05 2010 40min
In a move that broke through the dictates of protocol, the Pope stepped outside his entourage to cross over to greet Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. With arms outstretched, he rushed over to the chair on which Mawlana was sitting and the two men greeted each other, embraced and exchanged a few words.
Jun05 2010 40min
About Sheit
Jun04 2010 Arabic 1min
Running To End
Jun04 2010 English 35min
I Am a Servant
Jun03 2010 English 39min
Allah’s is Absolute Lordship. A servant is always under the command of his Lord, Allah Almighty. A slave cannot assume lordship but shaytan makes him say ‘I am someone; this or that’. Such a claim is artificial and impossible. Sayyidina Ibrahim’s story in the Holy Quran symbolizes the breaking of the idol of pride. Until this idol is broken man remains the servant of shaytan, expelled from the Divine Presence. Therefore, the Prophet (s) exhorted his companions to struggle against their worst enemy, the self. Man’s real position is in saying: I am a servant.
Democracy Is Lowest
Jun03 2010 Arabic 11min
Dress Of Servanthood
Jun03 2010 English 42min
Teravih Namazi
Jun03 2010 Turkish 2min
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
Jun02 2010 English 37min
The first command the Holy Pen wrote on the Preserved Tablet was Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. Its blessings are endless. Its recitation brings rest and happiness. It is more than enough for locked hearts, blocked heads and anything else difficult to treat. Without it, everything is impotent. It descended from the Heavens for the prophets of other nations but was given to the entire Nation of the Beloved ﷺ. In abandoning Belief, Mankind is losing its chance. The Heavens control the Earth. Good tidings to those who say it. Quickly connect to heavenly power. Say: Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.