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2303 videos available
Yanlis Okuyan Imam Jan01 2010 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
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Yetimlere Bakmaya Jan01 2010 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
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Zikir Jan01 2010 Turkish 1min
Sheikh Nazım
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Camel Of Nabi Nov01 2009 Arabic 5min
Sheikh Nazım
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Mahdi Oct20 2009 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
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Economic Crisis Jan01 2009 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
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Illnes Of Body And Soul Jan01 2009 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
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Meeting Of Souls Jan01 2009 English 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Discipline Is Only in Islām Dec12 2001 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
The people of today either sleep too much or not enough. They have given up the disciplined life for ‘freedom' and they have lost everything. They are on the level of animals and they do not get what they want in this life or the next. They have replaced the Bismi Llāh with pictures.
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How to Ask from Saints Dec12 2001 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā is being questioned about du‘ā’. He gives the beautiful meaning of al-‘afwa wal-‘āfiyah. Then he tells the proper way to ask help from Allāh ﷻ by means of His ﷻ saints.
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A World of Square-Heads Dec11 2001 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
No one thinks any more. They are trying to homogenise the world, wipe out culture and history and individuality. They call it ‘modern’ but it is the system of shayṭān. People are imprisoned in a box of their own making and are losing their humanity to become square-headed imitations.
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May Allāh Not Write Our Names with Theirs Dec10 2001 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
We are all servants of Allāh even shayṭān. Mawlānā speaks about Bin Laden and America, about Ṣalāḥu d-dīn and the Kurds. And he reminds us that if we keep our hearts with Allāh we are safe just like the old lady in the time of Noah (as).
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Ādam and Ḥawwā’ Dec08 2001 Turkish 49min
Sheikh Nazım
A man’s weakest moment is in the presence of his wife. Then he is open to shayṭān. A‘ūdhu biLlāhi is the weapon that will make shayṭān flee. All the troubles of the world arise from people making bad ones their leaders.
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Ḥaḍīratu l-Qudus Dec06 2001 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Every Friday Allāh invites the people of paradise to Ḥaḍīratu l-Qudus; a beautiful journey through the heavenly realms where everyone receives according to their rank. On that day, when Allāh Almighty will show His beauty, the faces of the believers will shine like the sun.
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The Signs of Qiyāmah Jan12 1997 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
In the last days the Prophet ﷺ said that his ﷺ Ummah will follow the Christians and the Jews. There is no honour for a Muslim to follow those who do not know or respect the Prophet ﷺ. Look now for the big signs of the coming of the end.
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Ḥaqqānī Jan12 1997 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā was inspired to call his way Ḥaqqānī – those who defend their rights and the rights of others. We should try to be as the Ṣaḥābah, the most perfect community, who were defenders of justice for themselves and others, without need for judges or lawyers or courts. He also speaks about the benefits of fasting as a cure for hopelessness and suicide.
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New Ottomans Jan12 1997 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
From the beginning of time people are asking for their God-given rights. Now democracy claiming to make everyone shepherd and no one sheep. This is a lie and all the world wants their kings and sultans back. Mawlana gives support to the New Ottoman movement and he praises Prince Charles for his support of Muslims and Islamic Law.
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Believe in the Unseen Apr01 1996 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Believe in the unseen until the curtains of the ego are lifted and you see what you believe. Pass through the desert to find the Ka‘bah. Your station is according to your love for Allāh. Qur’ān is more than just words. The meanings of Fātiḥah would load 100 camels with books. Look at the Aṣḥābu l-Kahf who loved Allāh so that He loved them and the dog who loved them gained paradise.
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