Hold to the Dominant Majority: The People of Sunnat
Mar21 2011 Arabic
When asked about the dilemma the ordinary Muslim has in the face of all these conflicting Mezhabs, schools, opinions, fetwas, practices and movements that have equal claims to truth and rule the Muslim scene in our days, Mawlana pointed to the simplest and only safe way... "Hold to The Dominant Majority: The People of Sunnah - عليكم بالسواد الأعظم: أهل السنة و الجماعة”
Inshaqal Qamar
Mar18 2011 Arabic
Democracy In Islam
Mar17 2011 Arabic
Sham End Of Times
Mar15 2011 Arabic 16min
Place Of Democracy
Mar14 2011 Arabic
Good Tidings and Warning
Mar14 2011 Arabic
Today Mawlana gave good tidings for Libyans and a warning for Egyptians.
Heavenly Might Destroys Technology
Mar13 2011 Arabic
Last night Mawlana explained the meanings and some of the lessons that can be taken from the natural crisis - the earthquake and the tsunami - that struck Japan two days ago with its tremendous scope of human tragedy.
A Quranic Command and a Fatwa
Mar09 2011 Arabic
Mawlana last night gave an extremely important Sohbat, A Quranic Command and A Fatwa - واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعاً )آل عمران ١٠٣) و فتوى في أهل الذمة. In it, Mawlana gives simple answers to the dilemmas challenging the Muslim mind and a safe way out of the Fitnas threatening the Muslim world. The fitna is taking place among the Muslims. It splits the Muslim Jama'at into factions taking extreme positions against each other, and thus staining Islam with "Extremism" which scares non-Muslims away from Islam, and, even, Muslims away from Shari'at- the Divine Law. The second part of this fitna is between the Muslims and the Christians, of the same community. This rings the bells of civil war and threatens to finish the whole community of believers, whether Muslims or Christians - the ultimate victory of the devil! Mawlana gave this Sohbat in Arabic and asked to spread it everywhere. Mawlana, also, said to write it down and distribute it around.
Fatwa Ahli Zima
Mar09 2011 Arabic
Wa Khtara Mosa
Mar07 2011 Arabic
To Sh Azhar
Mar06 2011 Arabic
Hukmu Riddah
Mar05 2011 Arabic
The Edeb of Protesting in Islam
Feb28 2011 Arabic
Mawlana gave a short Sohbat explaining in it, "The Edeb of Protesting in Islam"
S Abdul Qadr
Feb28 2011 Arabic
Because They Betrayed the King
Feb26 2011 Arabic
Mawlana in two short Sohbats explains the two sides of the mistake committed by the Arab and Muslim Worlds and led to the crisis their governments are facing and the scenes of hardship and atrocity everywhere! Tonight Saltanat TV will Broadcast, ...Because They Betrayed The King - لأنهم خانوا الملك