Learning has changed since the 19th-20th century. Many things are becoming known but not Real Knowledge. It is impossible to attain Certainty of such knowledge. Certainty can only come from the Heavens because the Reality of being never changes. To learn is important because it makes man a special being. Anger, jealousy, pride, stubbornness, are qualities of shayṭān. To be soft and easy are the qualities of believers. Sayyidunā ‘Īsá (as) taught sacrifice of the self but the Christian world is only interested in building weapons for killing. We must learn. We must learn our true identity.
Heavenly Kingdom on Earth
Feb17 2010 English 42min
Everything the Prophet ﷺ brought us was Heavenly. Heavenly stations are prepared for Man as grants from Allāh Almighty. It is obligatory for Man to seek and reach higher levels. Shayṭān makes Man forget Heavenly Reality and instead pursue Worlds of Darkness. His system of government is everywhere. People of all faiths must follow their Holy Books and ask for rule by Theocracy, particularly the Muslim World. There will be no peace, only cursing, until there is a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.
One Amīr for All Muslims
Feb16 2010 English 47min
The world is burning up with anger. The fundamentalists, controlled by Shayṭān are killing and destroying. Islām came to fight Shayṭān and bring peace from East to West. Peace is better, is it not, Salafī ‘ulamā’? The Arab World and its ‘ulamā’ are not understanding. Sharī‘ah commands one Amīru l-Mu’minīn. The power and greatness of the Muslim World can only be when all Muslims hold fast to the rope of Allāh ﷻ, united under one Prince of Believers.
The Secret Power of Spirituality
Feb15 2010 English 51min
Mankind are descended from Adam and Eve (as). This is our true title as the most important creature on this planet. The Reality of Man is such that he may say ‘I am something’, but the material body is useless without the control of the ‘Captain’, our spirituality. This secret power commands the aircraft of our physical being. Eternal life is a grant from our Creator but Reality is not easy to reach. The Prophets came to open these Realities and the Heavenly Ones came to awaken us to reach our grants. At the last point, the Captain will be told, ‘Come, leave this’, and if Reality is not understood, the chance will be lost.
Master of This Planet
Feb14 2010 English 43min
Everything appears free, coming, going, but it can’t be. Every atom is under a control. If not, it would not be in existence. The Lord of Heavens appointed one Master to be the controller for this planet. They say, ‘How?’ If the Lord of Heavens says: ‘Be!’ It will be. Allah Almighty created Man weak but His Will runs through the one whom He honours as His Deputy. Man must be worthy to reach this heavenly grant. As a student, he must ask humbly, from the Master of this Planet.
For Whom Was Kaaba Built?
Feb13 2010 English 50min
In the Holy City of the Seal of Prophets (sas) a heavenly manifestation of ‘Astaghfirullah’ descends as angels and heavenly beings seek forgiveness for the Prophet’s (sas) Ummah. It is the holiest place on Earth. The Salafi ulama may say, “Is it not the Kaaba”? So Mawlana asks them: For whom was the Kaaba built? Certificates from Western universities are not even worth one halala because the Salafi ulama have no base. Real knowledge has a base. It is to step on the steps of the Prophet (sas) and his Sahaba and those who do, are Awliyaullah.
Ṭarīqah: The Straight Way
Feb12 2010 English 34min
Man must learn the adab that Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ brought to all of Creation. He ﷺ said: “My Lord taught me excellent manners.” Everyone has an ego. Even Sayyidunā Yūsuf (as) did not absolve himself of it. If ego is to be trained, it needs a Master. Ṭuruq are teaching as the Prophet ﷺ; the Ways of the Ṣaḥābah. If servants follow them, they will be protected. The Salafī ‘ulamā’ are wrong. Their name is no guarantee that they are the best. They recite but do not understand. And according to the Holy Qur’ān: “If they had taken The Right Way, We would have given them abundant water to drink” (72:16).
The True Ones
Feb11 2010 English 40min
Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim declares that it is the last chance for all nations to think about their steps. Are they true steps or wrong? The Prophets (as) never asked Allāh ﷻ to send punishment on those who wanted to stop Truth. They knew that bad servants follow their egos and their understanding about their Lord is in limits. If Allāh Almighty used His ﷻ power, they would be finished. But Allāh ﷻ created those to whom He ﷻ gave this authority, the True Ones. And, on behalf of the Seal of Prophets ﷺ, the True Ones make Reality clear to his whole Nation.
Read! Listen and Obey
Feb10 2010 English 45min
Heavenly grants are not material things and their value is beyond our imagining. Allah (swt) ordered Sayyidina Muhammad (sas): “Read!” A short word which begs the question, “What must we read?” This points to the Holy Quran. All knowledge comes from it. But everywhere in the Arab world the teaching in schools and universities is against heavenly rules and this is bringing a curse on them. To “Listen and Obey” is the summary of all Heavenly Laws and Mercy descends on those who recite the Revelation from Heavens.
A Question for All Nations
Feb08 2010 English 50min
The period of the Children of Adam on Earth is reaching an end. They will be collected in the Divine Presence on the Plain of Judgement. The angels will carry the Holy Throne there. Who will sit on the Holy Throne? Allah (swt) is beyond Time and Space. O Salafi ulama what is your understanding about it? The Christians have placed Jesus (as) on the Cross. And Moses (pbuh) asked to see Allah (swt) and the Mountain became dust when the light of the Real Deputy manifested on it. What is his name? Allah (swt) is teaching that the one who will judge from the Throne on His behalf is the one who carries the Station of Praise and Glory - Al Maqam Al Mahmud, Sayyidina Muhammad (sas).
Understanding Gives Enlightenment
Feb07 2010 English 42min
The speciality of man is understanding. He who learns, understands. Understanding lightens the face and grants honour and power. The Prophet (sas) urged his Nation to learn and for 23 years, opened the never-ending treasures of the Holy Quran for their understanding. O Salafi ulama, correct your wrong claim that you understand. Shaytan thought he could be the deputy of Allah (swt) but his understanding was like a spec in an endless ocean. Only the Prophet (sas), the Absolute Deputy, was granted directly from the Divine Presence and asked to say, ‘O my Lord, increase me in knowledge’. And from that knowledge he grants to his Nation to understand the Glory of Allah (swt).
Penniless Armenian Became Multimillionaire
Feb05 2010 English 8min
Red Jubba
Feb05 2010 Turkish 3min
Freedom Is Allah’s (swt) Grant
Feb03 2010 English 42min
Men ask to be happy, but they must plant a tree in order to reap fruit. Shaytan’s music makes them think an endless pleasure awaits them. In every country now, despite singing the Anthem of Freedom, they are enslaved. But, for every state in a free country, one is asked, ‘What is your identity?’ It is like a four-legged animal, drawing a carriage; to go everywhere freely, reined at the mouth. The master and commander controls, using a whip. And they say, ‘You can’t do this, you can’t do that.’ No one has that authority. Allah (swt) created man free and no one can take that freedom without His permission.
Those Who Know
Feb02 2010 English 48min
Heavenly appearances are given according to man’s level of purification. Man must prepare for the Day of Resurrection. What he brings must be the best. But man says, ‘There is no God’. Then how is he in existence? Why can he not prevent death? He is like a drunken person who has no will or understanding and this is bringing a curse on the planet. God gave man the ability to think, with different levels of knowledge and understanding. There are some who don’t know and are proud of their knowledge. But there are those who know and it is they who are authorized to declare realities from the Holy Quran’s neverending oceans of knowledge. We must try to learn.
Allah’s Countless Grants
Feb01 2010 English 42min
The sun rises and sets countlessly and through the entrance of Bismillah ar-Rahman ar Rahim comes fresh views, every moment. The earth asks the sun for new visions and there is constant renewal through time’s shortest possible measure. Everything is changing. The Lord of the Easts and Wests grants His servants a taste from His endless and varied flavours of salty, sweet, bitter or sour. All this for their satisfaction and pleasure - a sample, through this imitated life, of the life to come. Allah can never be understood. Who is That One? His Being never changes. Conversely, man is forever changing. His direction may be good, bringing happiness or it may be bad and bring sadness. Every moment is ripe with the possibility of new understanding and new enlightenment for man to reach Allah almighty’s pleasure. The responsibility is on him.