Mawlānā says that nearness to the Lord is a different kind of secret. He discloses this through the Quranic verse: “Then, follow me, Allāh will love you” (3:31), while simultaneously making a rich supplication to demonstrate the secret of drawing near.
Those with the Prophet (sas)
Feb08 2014 Turkish 18min
Mawlana tells us where the most holy place is and why.
Adam's Stick
Feb07 2014 Turkish 28min
The Prophet Adam (as) descended on earth with a wooden staff. Mawlana explains one of the lessons we should learn from this story.
The Biggest Share
Feb06 2014 Turkish 18min
Our Lord created us in the most beautiful form. Our Master (sas) was given the biggest share of this beauty and all of us take shares from him. So be beautiful. Run from ugliness.
Love Oceans
Feb05 2014 Turkish 18min
No one can reach the beauty ocean of the Ḥabīb ﷺ. If he does, he will drown. Be filled with love and longing for Allāh ﷻ and His ﷻ Beloved.
Khudhu Hidhrakum: Beware (4:71)
Feb04 2014 Turkish 21min
Mawlana recites this ayat and presents us with one of its meanings given to the holy ones. He explains the vastness of its significance to protect us from ourselves and all other enemies of Allah.
Madad Yā Rasūla Llāh
Feb03 2014 Turkish 25min
In this beautiful morning ṣuḥbah Mawlānā contemplates the Majesty of the Almighty ﷻ who created man and gave him expression and the love for the Master “to whom all things flow.”
Al-Mustafa (sAs)
Feb02 2014 Turkish 20min
Man was dressed in the light of the Owner of the Throne. Beauty is perfection. That is why the Prophet was called Al-Mustafa (sas).
The Ornament of Dunya
Feb01 2014 Turkish 17min
“Wealth and children are an ornament of the life of the world. But the good deeds that endure are better in thy Lord’s sight for reward, and better in respect of hope”. (18:46)
Mawlana says to earn real servanthood means to leave the things of this world. We are for Allah, not for our children, or for gold and silver, or the wealth of this world.
Heavenly Honey
Jan31 2014 Turkish 22min
Look for the beautiful things, the things acceptable to Allah. Look for the honey of the heavens.
My Daughters
Jan31 2014 Turkish 11min
Mawlana blesses the women in the garden after Jumaa prayer and honors them by calling them all his daughters.
The Accepted One
Jan30 2014 Turkish 26min
In this beautiful sohbat addressed to Sheikh Mehmet, Mawlana talks about how to be among the beautiful ones who are accepted in Allah’s Presence. The Lord is giving. Who is there to receive? Love and receive love and light.
Allahu Akbar
Jan29 2014 Turkish 17min
Mawlana reminds us of the honor we have been given and the thanks we owe to Allah. In every moment we should magnify our Lord - Allahu Akbar!
Divine Secret
Jan28 2014 Turkish 14min
Mawlana speaks about the significance of Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. He supplicates that we strive to be dressed with the robe of honour that comes with its light as it contains a divine secret.
Close to the Sultan
Jan27 2014 Turkish 18min
Mawlana welcomes his son Sheikh Mehmed with blessings. He tells us through him, to look for the things of Heaven not the things of dunya and to find honor in closeness to the Sultan.
The Kernel & The Shell
Jan26 2014 Turkish 21min
Mawlana speaks from the special knowledge given for the presence of Sheikh Mehmet Effendi about the secrets of mentioning the Name of Allah before beginning anything.
Our Khalifah
Jan25 2014 Turkish 7min
Mawlana lovingly greets Haji Mehmet. Praising him, he supplicates that Allah increase his honour as “He is my Successor”.
Who Is Man?
Jan24 2014 Turkish 13min
Who is Man? If you knew his honor there would be no hurting no killing.