In this beautiful sohbat addressed to Sheikh Mehmet, Mawlana talks about how to be among the beautiful ones who are accepted in Allah’s Presence. The Lord is giving. Who is there to receive? Love and receive love and light.
Allahu Akbar
Jan29 2014 Turkish 17min
Mawlana reminds us of the honor we have been given and the thanks we owe to Allah. In every moment we should magnify our Lord - Allahu Akbar!
Divine Secret
Jan28 2014 Turkish 14min
Mawlana speaks about the significance of Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. He supplicates that we strive to be dressed with the robe of honour that comes with its light as it contains a divine secret.
Close to the Sultan
Jan27 2014 Turkish 18min
Mawlana welcomes his son Sheikh Mehmed with blessings. He tells us through him, to look for the things of Heaven not the things of dunya and to find honor in closeness to the Sultan.
The Kernel & The Shell
Jan26 2014 Turkish 21min
Mawlana speaks from the special knowledge given for the presence of Sheikh Mehmet Effendi about the secrets of mentioning the Name of Allah before beginning anything.
Our Khalifah
Jan25 2014 Turkish 7min
Mawlana lovingly greets Haji Mehmet. Praising him, he supplicates that Allah increase his honour as “He is my Successor”.
Who Is Man?
Jan24 2014 Turkish 13min
Who is Man? If you knew his honor there would be no hurting no killing.
Ahli-s Safa
Jan23 2014 Turkish 14min
Let us be of the people of Bliss (Ahli-s Safa) not of the people who are cut off (Ahli-l Jafa).
The people of today do not know where bliss and suffering are. Bliss is under the foot of the Prophet (sas).
The Biggest Teaching
Jan22 2014 Turkish 12min
Mawlana discloses some of the secrets of the Basmala Sharif.
Elevate Your Gaze
Jan21 2014 Turkish 13min
In this beautiful morning sohbat Mawlana reminds us to keep our eyes on the jewel, the essence of things; that Allah is all there is to ask for.
Make It Green
Jan20 2014 Turkish 18min
Allah is Beauty and He loves Beauty. Be beautiful and make the world more beautiful. Plant trees and sweet smelling bushes and make the earth green.
For Whom Is Our Service?
Jan19 2014 Turkish 5min
Mawlānā encouragingly supplicates in respect to doing, being and working for Allāh ﷻ, wherein lies man’s benefit.
Mahiba Hanim
Jan18 2014 Turkish 7min
Mawlana remembers the old times and people in Famagusta and he hopes that those mosques will be restored again for prayer and dhikr.
Jan16 2014 Turkish 7min
Mawlana makes a short dua in which in the beginning he makes the order to “Give” and in the end comments that there is a lot of advice to give but no one to take.
Heavenly Good News
Jan15 2014 Turkish 10min
Mawlana makes du’a and announces that the heavens celebrated the birth of the Prophet today and that the festivities began in Egypt.
Jan09 2014 Turkish 5min
Mawlana has such adab that never in his life did he look to check if the stones about the Maqam of Hala Sultan are really floating or not. Have Adab, give to who asks and do not fear.
The Ocean of Oceans
Jan06 2014 Turkish 8min
Man was created weak. He can only learn and do what he can. The ocean of oceans cannot be described with a dot.
Rabī‘u l-Awwal
Jan04 2014 Turkish 6min
Mawlānā gives a beautiful du‘ā’ for the opening of the month of Mawlid.