"The Way of the Seal of the Prophets (sas)" should be the way of all Muslims. Addressing a group of old and new Muslims, Mawlana points to True Way and gives Bayat.
Through a Magnifying Glass
Oct08 2011 English
Last night Mawlana gave an unexpected English Sohbat. He got out his magnifying glass to illustrate how man in his pettiness can justify his false sense of self-greatness. "Through a Magnifying Glass", Mawlana showed the difference between the sons of Adam and Shaytan. Mawlana showed the true essence of human greatness to which man, despite all his grandiosity and endless endeavours to assert himself, is blind. Mawlana explained the meaning of 'fana fillah - annihilation in Allah' and revealed the seed of all evil and human misery. Mawlana asked for this sohbat to be translated into as many languages as possible.
Way Of Abraham
Oct08 2011 English
Juma Sohbat
Oct07 2011 English
Juma Sohbat
Sep30 2011 English
Open the Doors of Your Spiritual Being
Sep26 2011 English
"Open the Doors of Your Spiritual Being" How? May we always be by our door and never lose it. May Allah Keep us with our Shaykh here and Hereafter!
Juma Sohbat
Sep23 2011 English
A Great Mission for A Great Nation
Sep21 2011 English
Yesterday Mawlana gave good news to German brothers and assigned a very important mission for the German nation.
The Flag of Mahdi (as)
Sep19 2011 English
Good News together with a permission for Seclusion/Khalwat were given to Spanish brothers. "The Flag of Mahdi (as) - راية المهدي عليه السلام".
Spanish Singing
Sep17 2011 English
Juma Sohbat
Sep16 2011 English
Sep12 2011 English
Mawlana gave important instructions about travelling.
A Message to Kings
Sep10 2011 English
The last night before His Royal Highness Raja Ashman left, Mawlana gave him this important address. "You did not just come here to attend the wedding. No! There are instructions from GrandShaykh for you and that is why you were summoned here!"
Juma Sohbat
Sep09 2011 English
The Steps of the Devil 2
Sep08 2011 English
Addressing his eldest grandsons, Mawlana explains the plight of modern Man, the reasons that led to it. Then Mawlana's honorable guest, Raja Ashman, comes in the room so Mawlana continues the sohbat in English, "The Steps of the Devil - خطوات الشيطان".We have divided this sohbat in two parts: an Arabic part one and an English part two. We apologize for the outdoor noise in the Arabic video.
7 Holy Places in England
Sep05 2011 English
In Eid and before Eid, Mawlana saw so many people. Mawlana explained to some of our Pakistani brothers living in Nelson about the holy places in England.
Juma Sohbat
Sep02 2011 English
Follow Him ﷺ and Come to Me ﷻ
Aug30 2011 English 29min
Allāh ﷻ is warning, O Mankind, you left the ways leading to Paradise and you are following shayṭān people leading you to endless miseries, to make your own punishment. But now they are running to ‘Īd prayer and making Takbīr for Me ﷻ. I forgive them for the honour of My Beloved ﷺ.