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119 videos available
Who Is Suleyman? Mar05 2014 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Ask for everything from your Lord. Ask for light not for fire. Say the Name of the Lord. Who was Suleyman? He carried the Name of his Lord.
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Be from the Rijal Feb27 2014 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Don’t be afraid. Be from the Men of God - Rijalullah. They are the ones who love Allah and His Prophet. Our Lord gives and doesn’t take back. Take and give.
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Who Are the Good Servants? Feb26 2014 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Let us walk in the way of the good ones. Let us be with them even if we cannot be one of them. Love the Beloved and be loved.
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This Is Our Job Feb24 2014 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā seeking the pleasure of glorious Rasūl Kibriyā’ asks for strength and power to demolish unbelief. He beseeches Allāh Almighty in the name of holy Sultan Ummuhan for support in destroying evil and making goodness widespread, saying, “Our job is this”.
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All for a Nothingness Feb21 2014 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Why chase after the nothingness of dunyā. Why fight for something that doesn’t even exist. Say Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm and look for what truly exists.
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The Color Heaven Loves Feb20 2014 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Green is the color Heaven loves. The Archangels wear green. It is the color of the Prophet (sas). Write Bismillah in green and hang it in your houses. Wear it, use it, love it. Green.
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Wake Up! Feb18 2014 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana makes a soulful plea for the servant to gain a share of the blessings descending from the heavens. He assures there is ease and joy for those who keep their servanthood; who prostrate and give grateful thanks to their Lord. He implores the servants to open their eyes, to wake up.
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At the Pyramid Feb17 2014 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
We were not made for dunya. We were not meant for death or decay. We do not need to be a mummy buried under a pyramid of stones and gold. We love Allah’s Beloved (sas) and become light.
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The Mirror of Being Feb16 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Let us ask for light and for power. Let us ask for the power in order to follow those who show us the way to serve our Lord.
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Do Not Make Our Prophet Sad! Feb15 2014 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Be a lion at the door of the Sultan. Be beautiful by looking to the heavens and not to dirty dunya. Do not make your Prophet (sas) sad because of you.
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Be And It Is Sep26 2013 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Say Bismillah and all sadness and burdens are removed. Your Lord did not create you to be sad or ugly. He wants you to be pleased and relieved. How can you be sad when He is your Lord and created you honored and beautiful and He gave you the miraculous power of the Bismillah. Say it 40 times a day and you will have no worries, no troubles.
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The Drink Of Love Sep22 2013 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
The order from Heaven is - Be beautiful, be happy, be full of light, be honorable. Glorify your Lord, make sajda and take light. Look for the stars in the sky that guide you. Shah Mardan is one such star. May the ones who say 'Allah" today drink the wine of love and longing. There is a physical sun that rises giving light but there is also a spiritual sun that rises new each day. Take light and give light.
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And There Is More With Us (50:35) Sep21 2013 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created everything Beautiful. Ugliness is from shaytan. The door of the market of Beauty opens with the Basmala. So say it and be happy. He has given us everything how can we be sad? Ask for this and whatever you ask for there is so much more!
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You Have Not Created This in Vain (3:191) Sep16 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah has created nothing in this world without purpose.(3:191) Man must understand his honorable place in creation. Nothing in the world was made except to serve him, be useful to him. In the mountains of Lebanon alone there are 700 different plants, all of them with a use for man, for his physical being and his spiritual being. But men today are ignorant and they invent poisons they call medicine and they kill and they destroy. They have forgotten Allah so He has forgotten them (9:67).
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The Shining Star Sep12 2013 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah loves beauty not ugliness. He sent 124,000 prophets to train mankind and teach them adab. With adab you can shine like a star. Learn from the stories related in The Quran. Pharaoh wanted to be loved but he went too far in asking to be worshiped. Leave dunya and leave fighting over dunya. Love your Lord, the One Who created you.
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Stars and Darkness Sep11 2013 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Look up at the Sultanate of the Sky, don't look down at dunya. The blackness indicates the unknowable Greatness of Allah. What is the desire of the stars? To celebrate the light of their Creator. Be a star. The guide to being a star was sent to you. You must be within the rivers of love. This is what the stars are looking for. Run from the darkness of dunya whose only aim is to steal your light.
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The Dunya Bath Sep09 2013 Turkish 34min
Sheikh Nazım
By Allah's Order, dunya serves those who serve Allah and enslaves those who serve dunya. People, like rats, bathe in the sewers of dunya. Compare Prophet Sulayman (as) to Qarun: the first had the wealth of this world and of the next, the second was buried by his wealth in the earth. Ask for light. Leave the fire and the darkness.
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Step Firmly Sep02 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Never recite Bismillah for Dunya! It is forbidden. Bismillah is only for Allah. Who recites for dunya becomes kafir. The Derivsh who smeared his face with dirt told the saint that he was adorning himself for dunya. Like the Sultans of old, put your foot in the stirrup of the beautiful horse and go forward on the Way of Allah. Be Man and teach your children.
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