Allah gives more than we deserve, be humble to Him. Respect the ones He gives to guide you. Ask their support, dead or alive. Our spiritual journey does not finish here.
Spiritual Frequency
Oct06 2015 English 20min
The spiritual frequency enables us to take what is good from the world without losing our religion. We try and we taste to find what is good and what is bad - always with La ilaha illa Allah. Allah made everything and everyone. Not everything new is bad. If your connection is good, your teacher is a good one, you will find inner peace.
The Gravity of the Ka’ba
Oct04 2015 English
Sheikh Bahauddin congratulates the new Hajjis and talks about the gravity of the Ka’ba that pulls everyone towards it and also represents the weighty presence of Allahu l-Haqq. Hajj is tariqa - it is a rehearsal for death and Qiyama where all people are equal in front of their Lord, who will be, inshaAllah, Al-Ghafur, Ar-Rahim.
No Coincidences
Oct03 2015 English 33min
Don’t think that things happen by chance. No, it is destiny - Qadar. Don’t think Allah Almighty thinks like you. Don’t think about Him at all but rather about what He creates. This is how you will understand Him. He is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim.
Heavenly Queue
Sep06 2015 English 29min
We are all in a queue, one behind the other. Some are beginning and some are experienced. Salafi are beginners. They think they know everything because they don’t know all that there is to know. Religion is not simple. We are against ignorance and we want all people to go to Paradise.
Parity in Humanity
Sep05 2015 English 26min
Allah sent the photo of the drowned child to teach humanity to identify with all life. What does a child know about religion? Spiritual people are not looking at your religion but at your humanity, to tame the wild side of each person. There is equality in our humanity. We are saying - It is enough suffering in Syria. O Allah, end the suffering.
Can You Eat Plastic?
Aug30 2015 English 18min
Today it is all about the packaging and not about the contents. Even religion has become like this, no one cares about sincerity. Allah made his religion so simple and open. Use your sense. Killing others is not acceptable. The true teaching is to care for everything.
Addressed by Allah Almighty
Aug20 2015 English 13min
Abdul Qadir Jilani said that if addressed by the Lord as 'My servant' he would not care what was done with him afterwards - he would be content. To be a servant you have to have a murshid. If you find such a one hold on to him and you might, one day, be addressed as, ‘My servant’.
We Care for You
Aug16 2015 English 21min
Our biggest mistake is to think that Mawlana is not here with us. All that those who represent him want is to remind us and to bring us back safely to him. Their slogan is ‘We Care for You”. By being with Mawlana everyone has the chance to be with Rasulullah (sas). Follow the ones who know.
The Spiritual Future
Aug15 2015 English 25min
Where are we going in our lives? Allah gave us two futures, the material and the spiritual. Nobody likes to lose but in spirituality we are not able to cover our losses. Look to your Sheikh. Do not pretend. Do not lose your spiritual aim.
Jun12 2015 English 21min
Sheikh Bahauddin welcomes the holy month of Ramadan. He talks about its signs and its blessings. Allah gives it to us as a sign to help us identify the voice of our ego. And He gives us so many special favours and pleasures in this month. If we knew we would ask for every month to be Ramadan.
Hold Tight to Your Murshid
May17 2015 English 28min
Tariqa gives you an address, a place to aim for. And the Sheikh is the guide and he is only one. Even his deputies might misguide you. You must keep your eyes on the Sheikh. The story of Sh Ahmad Yassawi (q) illustrates how the sheikh continues to teach from the grave.
Happiness and Satisfaction
May01 2015 English 23min
Mothers must teach their children this wisdom: to not be hungry. If you are satisfied you will be a good one. To understand the level of someone, see if the person is satisfied and distributing happiness. Allah is Generous and He is giving happiness. Pray 2-rakat Shukr to feel satisfied and happy.
Apr28 2015 English 22min
Mawlana is an Ocean. His door's open for everybody; even for his enemies.
Saying 'Insha'Allah, He will be with us. He will love us.' Sincerity is the most important thing. Maulana was the heartman. Give all of your heart or don't give at all.
One Year with the True Love
Apr26 2015 English 27min
True love is hidden in the heart. Even if you don’t see it, you feel it. Such was Mawlana’s love for us. He was pumping it into his murids even while he still had some breath left in him. It is a year since he joined his true love. That True Love was his sacrifice for us.
Happy Birthday Mawlana
Apr21 2015 English 27min
Great ones carry heavenly light. Those seeing with the heart’s eye know the Sultan of Hearts. They reach his light and carry it for others. Say: “I am coming to you my Sultan,” and experience the miracle. Give him your heart. Don’t obey the ego. Understand. If you don’t you will miss the train.
Depression and Denial
Feb01 2015 English 25min
Depression is today’s illness. You are sinking into this moving sand. Why refuse the offer of help? Islam means surrendering to Allah. This is the first step out of Depression. Secure your due rights. Respect Islam, respect the Prophet, respect your Sheikh. This is Reality. Those who deny it will suffer Depression.
Everybody Has a Seed for Love
Jan31 2015 English 21min
People are looking for love. The love of dunya is disappointment but the Nation of Muhammad carries a seed for loving Rasulallah. Allah’s Oneness is known through him. All hearts will go to him. His love is spreading. The awliya can show how to melt in this one true love.