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498 videos available
The Love of a Murshid Oct26 2014 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
The love of a husband, or wife or child is temporary. Love your Murshid. He brings you closer to a level that you don’t know. A level of feeling confidence and comfort with Allah and Rasulullah. A true murshid is a heavenly gift. Without his love you are nothing.
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Nasiha Oct26 2014 English 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Nasiha (advice) must first be given to oneself and then only to others. Ego rejects real advice because learning is painful so having a Murshid is important. His Nasiha is a ready-to-eat meal. It teaches acceptance, good manners and how to learn all in one. So remind, keep it simple, the response will come.
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Waiting to Be Muslim Oct25 2014 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Islam makes people beautiful says Sheikh Bahauddin. He illustrates this using the stories of Rasulullah’s Companions. We must learn to be generous without becoming fearful. Generosity reflects Islam. This attribute must be used to draw people who are hungry and waiting to become Muslim.
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The Spiritual Mission Oct23 2014 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Bahauddin spoke on a visit to a primary school in South Africa. Set up more recently by our Naqshbandi brothers, Maulana had requested such projects 14 years ago. Their need is great. Their mission: to serve our Creator by bringing Islam to the poor.
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Pray As Much As You Can Oct23 2014 English 11min
Sheikh Nazım
If the bank was giving money for free, wouldn’t you take as much as you can? So the blessing of prayer is being offered you by a Generous Lord - Take as much as you can.
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Love Rasulullah Oct22 2014 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything comes from loving Rasulullah says Sheikh Bahauddin. Islam invites to peace not strife. In the present climate Muslims must learn to surrender. They must seek the guidance of the awliya who can bring them to the love of Rasulullah.
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Be in the Crown Oct18 2014 English 31min
Sheikh Nazım
We had the honor of being with Sheikh Nazim. However small and insignificant we might be, we belong to him and we are one of the jewels in his crown.
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The Key Is Surrendering Oct13 2014 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
To be Muslim means to be surrendering. When you claim things for your self, you are not surrendered. Do your duty and don’t make noise. Do for your sheikh, not for your self. He tells the story of Shamsi Tabriz and the wine.
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The Real Sultan Oct12 2014 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Everybody can use advice, young or old, rich or poor. The advice of the real Sultan, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, is to treat everyone with respect, don’t waste your time arguing and fighting, you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone just do what you have been assigned to do. Accept and follow.
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Sheikh Abdullah, The Right Address Oct05 2014 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
In this strong sohbat Sheikh Bahauddin questions the correctness of those who say they are inheritors of Sheikh Abdullah. He reiterates the fact that Sheikh Nazim was Sheikh Abdullah’s only murid and only inheritor and that he in turn named Sheikh Mehmet as his inheritor.
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HD Iman Oct04 2014 English 33min
Sheikh Nazım
There is more than the mind can grasp and the eyes can see. There is what the heart can hope. Everything is possible for Allah. These things together give you HD Iman.
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Eid al-Adha Oct04 2014 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
We sacrifice a sheep or cow on the occasion of Eid in obedience to Allah’s Order and in memory of Sayyidina Ibrahim. There is much blessing in this for both the one who sacrifices and the animal sacrificed. There is no pain for the animal so don’t worry.
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Ziyarat Hj Aminah Sultan Oct04 2014 11min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyarat Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Oct04 2014 14min
Sheikh Nazım
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Calculation Sep30 2014 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Calculate large, don’t underestimate the favours of Allah. He gives you big gifts, try to fulfill them. And remember that the Sheikh tests each of us, large and small. So practice what you preach.
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An Interview Sep23 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
In an interview with a journalist from a Cypriot newspaper Sheikh Bahauddin talks about his memories of his father and about his father’s mission and achievements. He also emphasizes Mawlana’s deep connection to Cyprus and Cypriots and the intention of his successor Sheikh Mehmet to honor this and keep the derga in Lefke as the headquarters of the tariqa.
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Respect the Sheikh’s Cat Sep23 2014 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
We are asking for the spiritual way and on that way you never ask to be at the top. You always ask to be the lowest. Even though he was the top Mawlana never said he was anything. But we must show him the respect he deserves and not even say psst to his cat.
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One Order to Follow Sep21 2014 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gave us one order to follow for our own safety and well-being. He appointed Sheikh Mehmet head of the Naqshbandi Tariqa. To follow his order, to follow his direction is our only duty, our only goal. Let the heartache and confusion be over. Let us relax and go back to work.
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