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Don't Be a Donkey Feb01 2014 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
If Allah gives you sweet, then enjoy it. If He gives you time to live then try to enjoy it and don't get caught up in the drama. Be thankful that Allah made you a human and not a donkey. The Shaikh wants us to raise ourselves from the level of a donkey, the common level, to a higher level, the level of real humanity. Everyone who is a slave to his ego is at the level of a donkey. Grand Shaikh said that the ego gives at least one hundred orders a day to each of us. If you can deny one of these orders this is the first step in overcoming the ego. Try to see reality with the eye of the heart.
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Don't Put Dunya in your Heart Jan19 2014 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Everyone is given a program for life in this world. Most people go through life just repeating the same program. Real knowledge, heavenly knowledge, is outside of this basic program. The basic program is for zombies, the walking dead. The Shaikh has warned us that we need something more than this to feed our soul. A thousand years of the zombie life is a torture. The programmed life is moving from one miserable stage to another and one day we must leave dunya, whether we want to or not. The Shaikh advises us to keep dunya between two fingers so that we can drop it with ease. Don't allow dunya to enter your heart, The heart is only for Allah. Allah has given us the blessing of iman so be happy and thankful in your life and pray for blessings in the akhirah. May Allah make us happy here and hereafter.
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A World of Zombies Jan18 2014 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
We want to be the servant of RasulAllah, to be in the ocean of love of RasulAllah. The love of the Prophet is the essence of our soul and our Shaikh takes us to this love. The essence of our Prophet's soul is the love of Allah. Without his love in our heart we are zombies. Now the world is full of zombies. The love of the Shaikh and the Prophet make us human and place us on a human level. Anyone who puts his head to the ground for sajda is mu'min and must be respected and his life is sacred. It is not allowed to even kill a bug without a reason, because it is of Allah's creation, it is of His art. It is a high level to understand that we are nothing in front of the Oneness of Allah Almighty.
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The One Allah Loves Jan12 2014 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Today is holy day (holiday) celebrating the birth of Allah's holiest creation. It is important to show your love and to give your good intention to Rasul Allah and to understand the love of our Prophet. Real religion is in the understanding. We understand that Allah is the greatest without partner. But Rasul Allah is the one that Allah loves, so it is most stupid thing not to love what Allah loves. When Allah ordered the angels to prostrate to Adam it was to the seed of Rasul Allah that he carried. Our creation is because of the love of Allah for Rasul Allah. The saving of Prophet Ibrahim from the fire of Nimrod and the saving of Prophet Ismail from sacrifice were because they carried the seed of Rasul Allah. All Creation is from Allah's love of Rasul Allah. If you understand this then you have found the essence of real religion. Be with Allah, the Absolute, so love the one He loves.
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The Love of Rasul Allah Jan11 2014 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The maulid of Rasul Allah is the day of the birth of Haqq. We must strive to be of the ones who love Rasul Allah. Love is the most important thing. Love makes one alive. Those who don't love Rasul Allah are stupid. He is the one of all creation who could carry Qur'an and to love him is to be open to the blessings of his love and Allah's Rahma. Rasul Allah is the transmitter of Allah's love for the ummah. Do not undervalue Rasul Allah.
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Life Is Not for Sleeping Jan05 2014 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Life is not for sleeping but it is an opportunity for acquiring goodness and doing for akhirah. Don't waste the opportunity. We are not here just to build our future in dunya. There is no future in reality, only something in our imagination. Our tomorrow is in Allah's hands. Allah says to put your head in sajda for your real future. This is Haqq from Allah. The Holy Prophet put the foundation of the building of Islam and we are receiving the blessings of his gifts. Allah has blessed us with iman in our hearts. With tauba we reap understanding and with shukr we gain appreciation of Allah's generosity.
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Luqman's Poison Oct29 2013 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah likes for us to improve ourselves and to use His gifts. Hakim Luqman brought the gift of medicine and he had cures for all illnesses. Some cures were even poison. We don't know the real value of things. We must be humble and remember that each person we meet could be Khidr or a wali. Even the bad treatment we receive can be accepted as a just treatment for our bad ego, as a lesson, as a cure. Then the poison of the world can be our medicine. We must be happy because Allah has made us His servants and granted us to say La illaha ill Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah.
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Ahmed and the Pomegranates Oct27 2013 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
We must have competition for goodness. Give respect to get respect. Maulana Shaikh has opened a way for each of us but then we each must walk that way giving respect to all we meet so that we may receive respect. Our ego wants to receive respect first, but this is ego way. Allah never created ugliness or badness and so we must respect whatever He has created. Everyone carries with him the nafs of the child that never grows up and must learn to do what these nafs do not like.
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One Hundred Thousand Bugs a Day Oct16 2013 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah is the Creator and Absolute Ruler of His creation. Everyone must be humble before this reality. Allah has given us a tremendous gift in making us human and for this we must be thankful. Allah has created everyone beautiful but many of us make ourselves ugly. We must love Allah's creation because He created with love and for a purpose. Allah has given us the honor and opportunity to greet Him five times a day in prayer. Our greatest enjoyment is in the spiritual world because it is lasting and continues to increase and grow better. Enjoyment in dunya is limited and becomes less with time and repetition.
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Take This Jubba and Go Oct12 2013 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Making salawat is a precious gift allowing us to give our highest respect to Allah's beloved Prophet. Sufism began with Sayyidina Isa because he was the most spiritual Prophet. Sayyidina Musa came with the mission to create a civilization and his teaching was very physical. Isa came to balance this teaching. Sayyidina Muhammad came with a perfect balance of the physical and spiritual teaching. Extremism in Islam is coming from materialism and is ignorant of Allah's manifestations. The extremists are ignorant of the laws that govern jihad and ignorant of the beauty of Islam. They are under the control of their egos. May Allah protect us from our ego.
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Any Song but My Own Oct06 2013 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Salawats are heavenly, a voice from your heart and soul. Everything, material or spiritual, has its price. The price of spiritual progress is patience and thankfulness for one's tests and trials. We are at the level of spiritual kindergarten and the shaikh treats us as such, and this is a mercy from him. Allah has blessed us with our shaikh and we must wake up to the great value of this gift from Allah.
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Keep Your Hajj Oct05 2013 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah has created everyone with what is uniquely suitable for him. Everyone has his own unique way to enter into his inner peace. It is very important to find the correct instrument for entering into one's own inner peace. Maulana Shaikh has opened to each of his mureeds inner peace. This is a gift from Allah and each one must find and enjoy this gift. Don't let anything or anyone distract you from this reality and its enjoyment. Know that you are inside your inner peace and that this is Haqq and hold tight to it. Don't underestimate what Allah has given to you.
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Time's Up Sep29 2013 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Be careful to use one's time in the best possible way. Everything can be replaced but not one's time. Give time its value as it is the most precious gift from Allah. Allah gave us a brain, a mind and the means to measure the value of things. But we don't know the value of what has been given to us. Today we can travel in an hour what use to take three days to travel. Value all of Allah's grants. Be happy and joyful with what Allah has given you, His gifts are priceless. Try to keep what you can of your connection with the Shaikh and the orders of our Prophet (sas).
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Allah's Friend or Enemy Sep28 2013 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah says Islam is His religion and He preserves it. It doesn't belong to one group or another. It is the tragedy of today that Islam is under attack from all sides. Islam is peace, it is happiness, it is discipline, it is to be clean and human and loving. There cannot be such a thing as terrorism in Islam. But even the Muslims don't understand. It has always been an order for Muslim armies to avoid killing children, women, the elderly or the innocent. There is no excuse for suicide, ever. Real religion is spread through love: the love of Allah, the love of the Prophet, and the love of people. So many of today's Muslims are spreading hate. This is the tragedy of our times. We cannot tell today who is Allah's friend or His enemy. Just because you pray it doesn't give you authority to be a tyrant over everyone. Today we live in the sultanate of Shaitan and in the weakest stage of iman. But because the times are so difficult Allah's rewards are so much greater today.
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Fresh Cockroaches Only Sep22 2013 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
We are so small in comparison to the great universe yet we are so proud and ignorant. Allah has given us mind to calculate and realize what we are. We are weak servants and we don't control anything. Allah is fully in control of our rizq, our provision. If you look at the natural world it is easier to understand and see how Allah provides for everything. We are stupid servants who are blind to all the signs in Allah's creation that surround us. To see and appreciate the signs of Allah is the most precious gift from our Creator. It is food for the heart. Don't chase after the food of dunya, but look for the food of the heart, the provision for our spirit.
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Prepare to Leave Dunya Sep21 2013 English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Human nature gets bored if given the same thing all the time. Inside us is a greed for variety. The variety allows us to appreciate what we have, to value Allah's blessings and gifts. We need change to wake us up, to keep us from becoming too attached to dunya. The more we have from dunya, the heavier is its burden. Whatever your provision in dunya keep humble before your Lord in your heart. Be ready to leave dunya at any moment. The Shaikh's baraka gives one the power to free oneself from the attraction of dunya.
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Sun or Moon Sep15 2013 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Whatever good you wish for yourself you must wish for your brother and for all humanity. And whatever you wish for someone else first test it on yourself to be sure it is from goodness. We must learn to wish goodness for ourselves and others. Learn to be in a good mood and to distribute your good mood to others. Be thankful for all the good that Allah has given us and ask forgiveness for all our heedlessness and sinfulness. Pray that Allah keep us with the ones he loves in this world and the next.
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‘99 Gold Coins’ Sep14 2013 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Even if everything is perfect in one's dunya existence, there will still be a large empty space in the heart that can only be filled by spirituality. Tariqa is both training of the ego and also the source of our greatest enjoyment, the ocean of spirituality. The Shaikh holds the key to the spiritual nourishment of the heart. We must know that our life will end one day, but the end of dunya is the beginning of our real life. The love of Allah is guidance in dunya and our way to high maqam in the next life.
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