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Update on Mawlana May02 2014 English 9min
Sheikh Nazım
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Şeyh Nazım Hazretlerin Son Durumu May02 2014 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
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Update on Mawlana Apr29 2014 English 7min
Sheikh Nazım
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Şeyh Nazım Hazretlerin Son Durumu Apr29 2014 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
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Update on Mawlana Apr26 2014 English 5min
Sheikh Nazım
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Şeyh Nazım Hazretlerin Son Durumu Apr26 2014 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
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Our Lord, indeed we heard (3:193) Apr25 2014 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin reminds, using the Quranic ayat, “Rabbana innana sami'ana munadiyan” that Mawlana Shaykh is everything. He does not claim from his ego. He has brought the murid to real belief. For a murid to claim something for himself is only ‘Ego’.
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Update on Mawlana Apr23 2014 English 9min
Sheikh Nazım
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Şeyh Nazım Hazretlerin Son Durumu Apr23 2014 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
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Update on Mawlana Apr22 2014 English 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Şeyh Nazım Hazretlerin Son Durumu Apr22 2014 Turkish 2min
Sheikh Nazım
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Update on Mawlana Apr20 2014 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin briefs murids about Mawlana’s improving health. Wishing for him a second spring for his 92nd birthday, he thanks everyone for their love and good wishes for the one who is “father for all of us”.
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Şeyh Nazım Hazretlerin Son Durumu Apr20 2014 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Şeyh Bahaddin, Şeyh Nazım Hazretlerin yavaş yavaş iyileştiğini haber verdi. Şeyhimizin nice yeni yeni baharları görmesini temenni etti ve Şeyhimize gece gündüz yapılan dualar için herkese teşekkür ediyor.
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The Blind People Apr06 2014 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Physical eyes are easily cheated. When the eye in the heart opens, then you see reality, otherwise we are all blind.
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In Memory of Raja Ashman, Sultanul Qulub Mar30 2014 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created everything because of love of RasulAllah. It is our mission to acquire understanding. Today is the second anniversary of the passing of Raja Ashman. I am calling him Sultan al-Qulub. He was with Maulana Shaikh for twenty-five years. He attained to the maqam of a real Naqshbandi murid. Allah granted him all the honor, wealth, power and rank that dunya can offer, but what he sought was the spiritual gifts of his Lord. He followed his Shaikh with courage, love and sincerity. I thank Allah for our friendship and the time He granted us together. May Allah bless him.
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Al-Qahhār Mar09 2014 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
The spiritual ocean of Maulana Shaikh has power to speak to every heart because he represents our beloved Prophet, alaihi salam. Everyone who comes will get what he is asking for. If we ask for dunya it will be given; if we ask for akhira it will be given. We are weak servants and we must know this. To walk in the way you must first know your level, otherwise you will never understand what it means to have a Shaikh. We must understand that we are in dunya for a limited time that can end at any moment, like the people in the Malaysian plane crash. Everything in this world is temporary and there is nothing we can do to change this. This is from Allah, al-Qahhar. Allah invites us to come to Him for protection from Him. Allah doesn't give us any option to say no, although the ego thinks it has this power. Don't listen to this ego.
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The Wolf and the Sheep Feb09 2014 English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Everyone takes benefit from the sun, regardless of what one does. We must take a lesson from this and be satisfied with Allah's arrangement. But most of us are jealous of Allah's favors on others. Jealousy makes life miserable for the one who carries it and for those around him. May Allah protect us from the bad characteristics of our ego. Real comfort comes from inner peace not from material riches. When Allah gives more He often gives it with more trouble, more problems. Allah's biggest favor to us is that He has given us a murshid to show us the way. For this favor, this heavenly manifestation, we must be in shukr always. For this priceless gift from Allah even if we were in sajda always it would not be enough.
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Oceans of Onions Feb08 2014 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
It is a blessing from Allah that we enjoy making salawats on our Prophet. Most joy comes in limits and often with a burden. Most enjoyment is like a drop of honey with a lot of onion. By Allah's blessing He knows His servants and He is able to get us to carry an ocean of onions with just a drop of honey. For a diamond to become valuable it takes much cutting. For the clever one patience and thankfulness keeps him from getting cheated by life. The clever one lives in the present and knows the future belongs to Allah. We ask for Allah to give us the real enjoyment by patience and shukr.
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