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168 videos available
Understanding Capacity Jun13 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ asks the servant to witness Truth. To hear, see and understand Eternal Truth. Openings come to those who ask and they are awarded according to their levels. The heart must be in a wholly giving position. These realities are not learned from books. Holy guides have the keys to such learning and with angels to assist, help weak servants reach heavenly understanding. The physical being is unimportant but the understanding capacity spans the universe.
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Give for Me ﷻ Jun12 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
What can people give to their Lord? They can grant Him ﷻ their humbleness because humility signifies that the servant accepts his nothingness. The Lord created him, so he glorifies His ﷻ Majesty. All creation does. The Lord has everything. He ﷻ is not in need of anything. He ﷻ gives, and also asks the servant to give those who are needy. He ﷻ says: “Give for Me ﷻ.”
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Fīhi Mā Fīhi Jun10 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh Almighty sent prophets, but people turned against the prophets and prophecy. This is signified by the verse “ulā’ika ka-l-an‘āmi bal hum aḍall” (7:179) in the Holy Qur’ān. They are likened to animals, but Mawlānā explains how this verse also applies to those who live in the present time. He emphasizes that everything is contained in the Holy Qur’ān, using the title from a book by one of the Prophet’s ﷺ inheritors: Fīhi mā fīhi.
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Kill Your Ego Jun09 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Servants ask Allāh ﷻ and He ﷻ grants more and more through His ﷻ attribute, Al-Karīm. He ﷻ grants endlessly. Those who reach the point of being forgiven reach their highest aspiration but the servant’s happiness makes shayṭān unhappy. It creates problems for him and the servant becomes hopeless. Man is oppressing his own soul. He can only be free when the ego is crushed. Then, no evil can be created, nor any devil followed. Only Truth can be seen. Man must not worry or be hopeless of Allah’s ﷻ Mercy. The Holy Qur’ān therefore prescribes: “Kill your selves (egos).”
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The Way Leading Straight Jun08 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who can understand will be valued in Divine Presence. People here are of two groups, drinking either from clean springs or from dirty channels. Western understanding of real religion is different from a Muslim one. The Muslim world is under western control, following their lifestyle, drinking sewage. They are making forms and calling them ‘god’. Why are we following them? Allāh ﷻ says: this indeed is a way that leads straight to Me ﷻ.
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I Am Nothing Jun07 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
For Man to consider himself exceptional is the lowest level of ignorance and heedlessness. We are servants and we are all on the same level. None can claim the attribute of mightiness. It belongs to Allah Almighty only. The Prophet’s (s) Hadith clarifies this: I sit like the servant sits and I eat like the servant eats. This is enough to show an ailing Ummah the right way to be. It is a teaching for all nations. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ teaches: “I am nothing in my Lord’s Divine Presence”.
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The Heavenly Balance Jun06 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
People need good understanding to benefit from heavenly grants. If not, they will pursue something which will finally end up in nothing. Mawlana commenting on the mindless frenzy of modern day football illustrates that Allah Almighty has established a Balance for everything. He questions the Muslim ulama about their disregard of the Sharia and their negligence of the Heavenly Balance.
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I Am a Servant Jun03 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah’s is Absolute Lordship. A servant is always under the command of his Lord, Allah Almighty. A slave cannot assume lordship but shaytan makes him say ‘I am someone; this or that’. Such a claim is artificial and impossible. Sayyidina Ibrahim’s story in the Holy Quran symbolizes the breaking of the idol of pride. Until this idol is broken man remains the servant of shaytan, expelled from the Divine Presence. Therefore, the Prophet (s) exhorted his companions to struggle against their worst enemy, the self. Man’s real position is in saying: I am a servant.
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Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm Jun02 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
The first command the Holy Pen wrote on the Preserved Tablet was Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. Its blessings are endless. Its recitation brings rest and happiness. It is more than enough for locked hearts, blocked heads and anything else difficult to treat. Without it, everything is impotent. It descended from the Heavens for the prophets of other nations but was given to the entire Nation of the Beloved ﷺ. In abandoning Belief, Mankind is losing its chance. The Heavens control the Earth. Good tidings to those who say it. Quickly connect to heavenly power. Say: Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
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Teach Real Belief May31 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Shayṭān and its servants are under attack in the Heavens. Shayṭān is weak but when made welcome, harms. Scientists who cannot fathom the Heavens, theorize. They acknowledge only what their senses perceive, the material aspect of things. Who is the Creator and Controller of this planet? The existence of That One is beyond their imagination. First, there must be Belief. Reality, not nonsense theory, must be taught. Everything with a beginning comes to an end. We are weak servants. We must ask for heavenly protection. We must come to Real Belief. Why are they not teaching Real Belief?
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Wahhābīs Versus the Truth May30 2010 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
The Wahhābī are trying to change Islāmic Belief according to their understanding. They compromise and depreciate the glory of the Prophet ﷺ. They accuse ordinary Muslims of falling into innovation and unbelief. It is not for them to stand in judgement over the Muslim Nation. The teachings of the Holy Qur’ān and the Prophet’s sunnah are clear. For Islām to attain glory, its understanding must be real. The Azhar ‘ulamā’ must take responsibility in challenging them. They must defend the Truth and not be afraid of ‘a handful of people’, the Wahhābīs.
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These Are Not Fairy Tales May29 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
It was revealed to the Prophet ﷺ on his Night Journey that the special mount, the Burāq, was not only for the beloved of the Lord of Heavens, but also for his ﷺ nation. In the present time the reality of Islām is not well known, even by Muslims. Only its name and traces remain. In order to journey from earthly to heavenly positions Muslims must prepare themselves. They must seek those who can guide them. The Muslim rulers and scholars cannot. Those who carry the secret of the journey, can. These are not fairy tales.
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Everything Outside Is Inside Man May27 2010 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
The Greatness of the Creator is that everyone’s being is special and is glorifying its Lord with a special glorification. The Creator asked for His ﷻ trust to be carried and Man accepted. This indicates that unlimited treasures could be open to Man. No one can say where knowledge begins or ends. Can an atom hold a universe? According to our capacity it is impossible, not for the Creator. The key to understanding is to reflect about everything. The more Man looks inside himself the more he learns about his Creator. Everything outside is inside Man.
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Lā Ilāha Illā Hū May26 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything in existence is witnessing the Oneness of Allāh Almighty. Each and every atom is doing what it has been ordered to do. It reaches the last point declaring, “He ﷻ only is in existence,” and then, finishes. On being asked what the best effort of a person should be, the Prophet ﷺ replied: al-‘ilmu bi-Llāh – the station beyond effort of worship. The real target to reach are the Infinity Oceans of Divine Presence. That gives real honour to Mankind. It is to be Muwaḥḥid. Who is the Muwaḥḥid? He who says: lā ilāha illā Hū.
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Declare War May25 2010 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Forsaking heedlessness and sleepiness, people must become awakened. The physical being is always getting dirty. It must be kept clean as it covers the spiritual being which belongs to eternal life. If not, then it will be made clean in the afterlife. Throw away the wealth of this world and come to Allāh Almighty. Divine Presence can grant what is unimaginable, unseen and unfathomable. People must prepare themselves for the excellent life. Therefore, the nation of Sayyidunā Muḥammad, ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, has been ordered in the Holy Qur’ān to declare war against the most dangerous enemy, shayṭān.
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Breaking the Ego Idol May24 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
The being which claims ‘I am something’, speaks on behalf of the ego. It is the worst of manners to run after a claim that is not authorized from the heavens, nor can the inheritance of the prophets be reached by this. The Seal of Prophets ﷺ taught that his ﷺ nation must live like a servant lives, otherwise its glory will be lost. It is the biggest curse to think ‘I do, I move, I think’. Man is created weak but his living is connected with the heavens. Reaching that honour means breaking the ego idol.
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Everything Is in The Book May23 2010 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
People who are special, the chosen ones are able to see coming events. Most people are blind. They need a walking stick to walk safely. The Seal of Prophets ﷺ was granted the ‘Mother of all Books’. It has everything that Muslims need, they do not need to emulate the West. The West is concerned with appearances, the shell of things. To imitate them is to become like them. Sharī‘ah is not ill. It is strong. ‘Ulamā’ must acknowledge The Book, in which is the history of the past and the news of what is to come.
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The Fear of Allāh ﷻ May22 2010 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ must be approached with true steps. Every wrong belief must be cleansed. The place of stepping requires discernment. Dirty feet cannot move up. The feet must be fixed on the right path. Allāh ﷻ has power over everything and He ﷻ may do as He ﷻ likes. Ordering “Be!” He ﷻ could take everything in existence and put it in an atom. Understanding His ﷻ Power is to fear him. As much as one humbles himself in front of his Lord’s greatness, the greater his position. The one who is honoured is he who keeps the fear of Allāh ﷻ.
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