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168 videos available
Islām Is Coming to Embrace You May20 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Man is under constant attack from shayṭān and its tribes. They are setting traps to destroy him physically and spiritually but Allāh Almighty is the best of Protectors. They plot and plan and Allāh ﷻ too plans. Their every trick is countered by a heavenly protection. Man must run to Allāh ﷻ, to His ﷻ Prophet ﷺ and His ﷻ Book. A new wave of defence is coming O Mankind. Islām is coming to embrace you.
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Let There Be Guides May19 2010 English 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Wake up, O ‘ulamā’! Remind people about Islām when it first came. Islām embraced men as a mother embraces a child, giving safety through heavenly protection. Every goodness and badness is by the Order of Allāh ﷻ. Therefore, people must connect their hearts with heavenly centres on Earth. There is electricity here. When connected, it gives a light, and goodness can be reached. The lifestyle of the Ṣaḥābah was simple. They were strong, healthy and content. But not 21st Century Man. Allāh ﷻ says: let there be guides among believers to lead people on the Right Way.
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Trouble Oceans May18 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Daily people are falling into more and more trouble. It is the most dangerous period for mankind. People are fed up. They need spiritual support. They are losing their humanity. They are not happy. Those who grant themselves titles cannot impart spirituality to people. Those who know their real being and those who are following the heavenly way are capable of removing miseries and bringing contentment to the ones who have fallen into Trouble Oceans.
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Wa-Nafakha Fīhi Mir Rūḥih (32:9) May17 2010 English 45min
Sheikh Nazım
‘Ulamā’ must make clear to people the honour of Eternal life. This point is most important for the existence of Man on this planet. The Lord of Heavens wanted the angels to know that Man was created for a unique honour. He was appointed Deputy on Earth. In knowing they are an honoured creation, people get contentment and peace. Allāh Almighty blew into Man. Now Man is veiled. When he strives for his heavenly position he becomes qualified for that honour and receives endless blessings. Allāh Almighty says: wa-nafakha fīhi mir rūḥih (32:9).
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Return to the Real Being May16 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
One human being is more valuable than the whole world but man is leaning towards beastly characteristics. There is this world and there is the world beyond this life. A child reaches maturity, wants to learn about creation but confronted with false opinions, turns against Reality. Once doubt settles, it is difficult to turn back. In denial of positive knowledge, that person is finished. Humanity is now in the grip of such negative power. The human being is a servant of the Lord of Heavens. He must seek forgiveness and return to his Real Being.
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Carry Heavenly Light May15 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Divine Generosity is never-ending. Those who carry heavenly light from this life will shine like the sun, or the moon, or the stars on the Day of Resurrection. Others, seeking light from them will be told to go back, a wall separating them. Heavenly lights belong to Prophecy, a grant from Allāh Almighty Whose Creation is full of the lights of the Seal of Prophets ﷺ. The Creator ﷻ creates and grants. He ﷻ is not in need of anything. The Truth of truths is coming to all nations. True ones may understand. O People, bow to your Creator ﷻ.
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The Diamond Market Is Open May13 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
The market for heavenly diamonds is open. Come. See which one gives you pleasure. Know this: the Lord of Heavens has a crown prince who represents Him ﷻ on this planet. Unlike earthly creatures, his creation is different. He is a precious ruby among ordinary stones. His name adorns the Divine Throne and is linked to the name of the Lord of Might and Glory. Understand this: there are ranks for all, limitless ranks. Who can think deeply? Those, who discover these diamonds. They will be the most precious ones under the flag of the Prophet ﷺ.
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Countless Opinions, One Truth May12 2010 English 47min
Sheikh Nazım
Faith is unacceptable without the purity of mind. Without purity, one cannot reach understanding. People say, “according to my opinion”, but Reality comes from the heavens, not from opinion. People can know the ways of the heavens through the Qur’ān, the Seal of Prophets ﷺ and the Holy Ones. That is Pureness. There is no crookedness in it. Instead, using opinion, people leave the main road and lose Belief. As opinions are countless, true ones must be separated from wrong ones. “Lā ilāha illā Llāh” is Truth. Truth is One, from the beginning up to the end.
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Understand from Example May11 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
The business of this world amounts to nothing. Heavenly honour alone leads to the Light Dominions of the Lord. Heavenly jewels are more valuable than all of this world’s treasures but the mentality of common people denies those who speak the Truth. They are losing because of their heedlessness. In order for them to understand, an example is given: they are those who, if a bird spoke to them, would be astonished but were a man to speak to them of the ways to the heavens, he would carry no value. Let then a donkey be their instructor.
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Returning to Paradise May10 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Whoever wishes to reach a heavenly position must become free of the desires of the ego. Man is a combination of the material and the spiritual, however, absolute freedom to do everything is destroying his spirituality. Real freedom is to rise from the Earth toward the Heavens. The soul is ordered to follow Heavenly Commands in order to ascend but Mankind doesn’t understand, thus causing chaos. Heavenly books were not sent for the dead only. Those responsible will be questioned for not instructing their nations. Guidance is given only so that Man may return to Paradise.
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As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum May09 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Mercy descends through ‘As-Salāmu ‘alaykum’. There is hidden wisdom associated with spring, specially the month of April. Valuable treasures are granted during this month. A heavenly rain descends over the Earth renewing all life. Everything from Creation tries to reach that Mercy-wave, particularly Man. It takes away his burden. An example of this is: As-Salāmu ‘alaykum. The power and honour of this greeting opens the doors of Mercy, such that everything in Creation wants more and more of this blessing. It is the biggest grant of the Heavens. Therefore always begin with: As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuhu.
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The Rights of the Muslim ‘Ulamā’ May08 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Knowledge must be sought from the cradle to the grave. The ‘ulamā’ of Azhar Sharīf are praiseworthy, like riders of stallions. An Egyptian, Imām Sha‘rānī, may Allāh ﷻ raise his rank eternally, was such a scholar; highly distinguished and humble. In the earlier periods of Islām, assemblies of eminent scholars were presided over by the Caliph. Knowledge was sought, encouraged and disseminated among people. Where are such meetings of knowledge now? The file of ‘Salafī’ must be closed. The Arab Kings must honour the distinguished ‘ulamā’ of the Muslim world and give them their rights.
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What Is ‘The Seal?’ May06 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything is in its perfect position but the wrong use of the will of Man creates chaos. Religious scholars must ask why they are shutting their eyes to Islām and the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidunā Muḥammad, peace be upon him. His prophecy is the closest to mankind. Listeners must weigh correctly. What is “The Seal?” It means that the Reality of the Lord of Heavens is in the Seal of the Prophets and without that stamp, no prophet could be a prophet. This is the truth and, little by little it is going to be revealed.
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Certainly We Will Test You May05 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh Almighty will test the belief of His ﷻ servant with ease or with hardship. “Certainly, We ﷻ will test you with something” (2:155). It is from the Pillars of faith. The one who has reached the age of responsibility must be aware that a test may come at any time. Each test carries an understanding with it. Divine Presence requires good manners and the correct response to a trial is gratefulness. It bestows honour and pleases the Lord of Heavens. Not to complain is real obedience, as patience is rewarded with entrance to a Paradise beyond description.
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Fear Your Creator May04 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
According to the mindless agents of shayṭān, belief in God has been destroyed but a heavenly show is underway in a humble gathering, enough to demolish all falsehood. Heavenly anger is approaching. Worshippers of false ways must beware that nothing can prevent the heavenly sword from striking. Just as Nimrod’s armies were destroyed by an insignificant creature, so too, those denying the existence of God may be destroyed by an invisible virus. Atheists and other unbelievers are overstepping their limits and the ‘ulamā’ of the Muslim world fail to respond. Fear your Creator, O people of this world.
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Give Respect and Take Respect May03 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh Subḥānahu wa-ta‘ālá is absolutely unknowable in His ﷻ Essence. He ﷻ manifests His ﷻ names in accordance to His ﷻ endless attributes. To Him ﷻ belong Absolute Glory, Absolute Majesty, Absolute Honour, Absolute Greatness, Absolute Praise. His ﷻ Existence is unlimited therefore, what belongs to Him ﷻ is unlimited. To everything that glorifies Him ﷻ, He ﷻ grants a special name, without which that thing cannot exist. Allāhu Akbar! Another day has passed away. People ask: Who is our Lord? O ‘ulamā’, argumentation and nonsensical theories are dishonouring Man. Give respect and take respect. Make Man’s understanding wider. Defend the Non-Extinguishing Light.
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Wear the Medal of Truth May02 2010 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who claim to know, be aware that shayṭān and its supporters are going to fall. Take heed theorists, scholars and religious authorities. Christianity’s many false claims about Jesus Christ are baseless. People are ill because of their misunderstanding of Truth. Islām is from the Heavens. The Holy Qur’ān is full of proofs, but reaching water does not assure the drinking of it. Truth is acquired through understanding. Those claiming expertise of the Holy Qur’ān must present evidence and be authoritative. O Muslim scholars, be Defenders of Truth. It is your medal, wear it.
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Study Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ May01 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Coming to this life from nothing and then departing it, is material for serious consideration but people have lost their intelligence. All religious scholars are asked: “Why are you religious people?” Their impressive, self-appointed titles carry no heavenly authority. The Prophecy of the Seal of Prophets ﷺ is denied by the non-Muslim World. An orphan from unknown lands, he is the fountain of infinite knowledge. Instead of their trivial, prolonged research into Egyptian cadavers, they must devote their time to study his ﷺ life and personality. Jews, Christians, self-titled Muslims, whoever seeks Allāh ﷻ, finds Him ﷻ.
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