People must be careful. They are leaving the Heaven-made things, the Qur’ān and the Prophet ﷺ, to follow man-made western theories. This is from shayṭān. O kings, look at what is being taught to your children. Wake up before it is too late.
Daily Sohbat
Jul19 2010 English 45min
No Heavenly Honour
Jul18 2010 English 34min
Those who have some power view others as being beneath them. Who puts their trust in the world cannot be trusted. Self-important personalities resemble jungle animals. They lose heavenly honour. The prophets came to teach mankind about their heavenly ranks. The ulama are not reminding people what their Lord created them for.
Daily Sohbat
Jul18 2010 English 39min
Rulers Who Deny Sharī‘ah
Jul17 2010 English 39min
O Salafis examine where your knowledge is leading you. Islām assures safety. Only correct belief and trustworthy ones impart good understanding. Shayṭān trips people up. A ḥadīth says: ‘People conform to the religion of their kings.’ It means since rulers carry earthly status those denying Sharī‘atu Llāh will be held most responsible on Judgement Day.
Daily Sohbat
Jul17 2010 English 42min
Amali Shaytan
Jul16 2010 English 27min
The purpose of Man on earth is to be a good one, not a bad one. To be good, follow the good ones. Salafi complain about dhikrullah and say nothing about football when it is one of the amali shaytan, doings of satan, keeping people from the mosques.
Jul16 2010 29min
Daily Sohbat
Jul16 2010 English 33min
What Salafī ‘Ulamā’ Must Teach
Jul15 2010 English 39min
Allāh ﷻ is the Victorious, in everything. He ﷻ is the Guarantor and Protector. He ﷻ commands a thing “Be,” and, it is. Everything glorifies Him ﷻ. The Salafī ‘ulamā’ are afraid. Allāh ﷻ asks to fear Him ﷻ only. Real servants of Allāh ﷻ keep His ﷻ endless Power Oceans though their hearts. The ‘ulamā’ must teach the meaning of: “Wa-huwa ‘alá kulli shay’in qadīr.”
Tariqat Practices
Jul15 2010 Arabic 55min
Lord Is Protector
Jul15 2010 English 40min
Who is Your Chairman?
Jul14 2010 English 45min
Man must know who is in command of him. If the ego acts as his chairman how can his heart be ruled from the Throne of his Creator? The ‘Ulamā’ have to understand who their worst enemy is. Their chairman must be under the Holy Command of Spiritual Power. If they don’t understand this how will the Nation stand up?
Command Of Spiritual Power
Jul14 2010 English 49min
A Question, O Ulama
Jul13 2010 English 40min
Mawlana asks the ulama: what is one action so pleasing to Allah that He quickly accepts and rewards it? The Prophet knew it and taught it to his nation. All heavenly people know and cherish it, and ask mankind to know it. A Quranic verse emphasizes it and, it will act as witness. What is that?
Jul13 2010 English 40min
The Story of the Educated Girl
Jul12 2010 Turkish 27min
Just as the new bride who, with a university degree, thinks she knows everything but forgets to add water to the stew, so the modern governments think they know how to rule but end up burning everything.