There are many people who would like to cheat you, even people in ṭarīqah. Be careful. Ask about them and listen to advice. Don’t be cheated of your property and time. Use your life to prepare for Ākhirah.
Spiritual Dirtiness
May12 2024 Turkish 15min
Humanity has spoiled the land, the sea, and even the air. But the spiritual dirtiness of today is worse than the physical. We cannot be clean without accepting what Allāh ﷻ and the Prophet ﷺ are telling us.
Tie Your Camel First, Then Trust in Allāh ﷻ
May11 2024 Turkish 12min
People are unhappy these days because they don’t follow Allāh’s ﷻ instructions in the Qur’ān. First, you must do what you can, then trust that Allāh ﷻ will give you what you need. And remember, everything comes from Allāh ﷻ.
A Mercy for the Universe
May10 2024 Turkish 14min
Allāh ﷻ is calling us to follow the Prophet’s ﷺ way. He ﷺ was sent as a Mercy for the universe. Few people appreciate this. We were given a mind to think. But who shows respect to or interest in the Prophet ﷺ?
The Heart Belongs to Allāh ﷻ
May09 2024 Turkish 11min
The heart is the place of Allāh ﷻ. There is no room in it for anger or hatred. If the heart is contaminated, the whole body will be affected. The prophets, awliyā’ and scholars advised us to clean our hearts, not to follow the ego.
Speak with Wisdom
May08 2024 Turkish 10min
Be careful when you speak to people. You must know their circumstances, culture, state before you give advice or guidance. You must speak with wisdom or you can do them harm.
Keep a Clean Heart
May07 2024 Turkish 19min
The prophets and the awliyā’ only want us to remember Allāh’s ﷻ way. Focus on this. Don’t care too much about people’s misunderstandings – darkness will come on our hearts. Try to keep your heart clean.
The Way of the Prophet ﷺ Continues
May06 2024 Turkish 17min
The way of Mawlānā is the way of Allāh ﷻ and the way of Prophet ﷺ. This way will continue until Qiyāmah. It is ten years since Mawlānā has changed worlds, but this way is continuing with his support. May we always be firm on this steady way, in shā’a Llāh.