All the knowledge that human beings have is but a tiny drop from the ocean of Allah’s knowledge. So don’t be proud but be thankful. What knowledge you have, use for the benefit of mankind, use in the way of Allah.
Don’t Imitate Them
May13 2015 Turkish 21min
Muslims are not like others and should not imitate others in any way inwardly or outwardly. We should not expect others to respect Islam, if they did they would be Muslim. We should be tolerant of their unbelief and not imitate them in their intolerance.
The Importance of The Sunnah
May12 2015 Turkish 15min
Tariqa teaches Adab and the most important Adab is love and respect for the Prophet (sas). You show your love and respect by following his Sunnah, especially the sunnah of the 5 daily prayers.
Allah Loves the Repentant
May11 2015 Turkish 10min
Everyday ask forgiveness for the wrongs you know you have done and for those you don’t know. Allah loves that you ask for His Mercy and He gives over and over again. There are different kinds and levels of repentance, tawba nasuh is the highest form, when you will never repeat that sin ever again.
The Sunnah of Cupping
May10 2015 Turkish 16min
This is the season for Ḥijāmah (cupping). Shaykh Mehmet talks about the sunnah regarding it. He makes clear when and how and by whom it should be done.
The Patient Dervish Reached His Goal
May09 2015 Turkish 21min
Islam was made easy, shariah and tariqa. No need to ask for high stations. If you think you are something then you are in trouble. The dervish who is patient and waits in the place they have put him, will reach the highest stations.
The Paradise Way
May08 2015 Turkish 28min
Tariqa isn’t fard or even wajib but it guides people to the way of the Prophet, the Paradise way. The opportunity to follow tariqa is a favor from Allah. There is blessing in sinning and repenting. The story of the poet Ibrahim ibn Zubari illustrates this.
May08 2015 15min
Mawlana’s Happiness
May07 2015 English 17min
A year ago we were so sad to have lost our beloved Mawlana. But a year later we know that we have not lost him. He is still visiting us and guiding us. His presence is stronger than ever. So read Yasin, Quran, give charity in his name and at this blessed time we are all together around the world, the seeds he planted, in a river of light.
Night's Darkest Time
Mar23 2015 Turkish 17min
Brother Nabil’s resting place is the holy city of Cairo. What makes it holy? Its many holy Muslim guardians. A Muslim’s remains must be respected, but to destroy them is the first action of Shaitan’s soldiers. Let them. The more they do, the closer comes Allah’s help. Good tidings. Night’s darkest time is also the closest to dawn.
For Nabil
Mar20 2015 Turkish 15min
What is the meaning of Brother Nabil’s life? He left everything in his life to serve Mawlana day and night. Many could not do that. He was patient. He tasted the sweetness: even after his death Mawlana received him happily. To prepare for akhirah is the meaning of life. We are all returning to Allah.
Don’t Worry Be Happy
Mar19 2015 Turkish 9min
Don’t be sad or anxious. How? By doing what Allah says. His generous gift: Be happy. Awliyaullah do not fear, nor are they sad. They believe. They feel ashamed to go against Allah. Darkness collects by doing wrong things. Be good. Those who entered the right way came on account of Allah’s Grace and Mercy.
A Logical Investment
Mar17 2015 Turkish 18min
This world is investment for akhirah. It is not logical to forget its main purpose and fall for the unnecessary. Qarun’s treasure, of no benefit, is still sinking deep into the ground. No man dies before his appointed rizq ends. Be sincere in asking Allah. Now, on account of one man’s righteousness, many will be shown mercy.
Actions and Judgement
Mar17 2015 Turkish 17min
All actions good or bad will be seen on Judgement Day. To keep from feeling ashamed on that day actions must be good. Good people are afraid to do bad things but Allah will forgive those who repent. Allah’s forgiveness is an open door. Allah loves the believers. He does not love unbelievers.
The Power to Spread Islam
Mar16 2015 Turkish 22min
Worldwide Mawlana’s followers experience his spiritual power. The wisdom behind his un-tiring travel? To impart what great mashsha’ikh teach: to leave pride and be humble, a point of light for every follower. It will take off and spread the baraka of real Islam everywhere. Accept the awliya and climb higher. Even great Sultans like Mahmud Ghaznawi understood this truth.
What Is Good Teaching?
Mar03 2015 English 10min
What is good teaching? It is what comes from the Prophet. Mawlana was teaching it: real love is for Allah, not for what Shaitan sees as good. Love those who love Allah. Respect them. Don’t forget them and be loyal to them. Mawlana never forgot those who gave him respect. He prized their good and covered their bad.
Make It Easy Not Difficult
Mar02 2015 English 19min
Everything halal, Muslims can do. Forcing, misleading, endangering or frightening others are the ways of Shaitan. The Prophet said: make it easy, not difficult. The Wahabi and Salafi are making people run away from Islam. They are leading them into danger. People are really not thinking: following those who worship much but commit the worst innovations.