Take heed. Even a king must die. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died recently. The Saud Dynasty had a poor reputation but Allah can change men. King Abdullah lifted his hands in prayer before the Prophet’s grave. In respecting the Prophet, he set an example for all and became a proof against the disrespectful.
Plant Wind, Harvest a Hurricane
Jan25 2015 Turkish 31min
A Believer is gentle and loves everyone. However now, the world is boiling. Those badly intended towards Muslims are plotting. Even the least foolish mind can see their traps. Let them plot. Allah is above them. Those who deceive will get their due. If they plant winds, let them harvest hurricanes.
Honoured but Ungrateful
Jan24 2015 Turkish 24min
Man was honored above other creatures and yet he is the only one that complains and questions his existence. However, Allah continues to honor and send him guidance through the scholars and saints who are at the same level as the earlier prophets. The saints burn with love for Allah that lights the way for all of us.
Respect for The Prophet
Jan03 2015 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Mehmet defines Tariqa as the protector of Sharia and of Religion. It is directly connected to the Prophet (sas) and so keeps his Sunnah and his blessing. Sincerity of heart is most important. Beware of those who speak the language of Quran but not its true meaning.
The Miracles of Mawlid
Jan02 2015 Turkish 35min
There are many miracles of the Prophet (sas) especially at the time of his birth but perhaps his greatest is that, although illiterate, people continue to learn from the wisdom of his teaching. Anyone who doesn’t give thanks each day for the honor of being a part of his Nation is someone without goodness. Watch out for those who don’t respect him, in particular Sayyid Qutb.
New Year
Dec31 2014 Turkish 22min
Allah gave the Nation of Muhammad (sas) so many special gifts that He gave to no other prophet’s nation before. But the Muslims do not see this and they try to imitate other nations and their ways. The celebration of the solar New Year is one of these imitations that brings no lasting benefit and no happiness.
Be Strong with Allah
Dec30 2014 Turkish 16min
To be strong is not important. To know you are weak is important. All strength comes from the pleasure of Allah. So seek His pleasure.
To Find Peace in Yourself
Dec29 2014 Turkish 21min
The meaning of Islam is Peace. This is the true Islam, the Islam of the Prophet (sas). Those who follow and love the Prophet and his Companions are the majority of Muslims - Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa. In this month of Mawlid you are invited to this way.
The Month of The Prophet (sas)
Dec26 2014 Turkish 31min
This is the holy month of Rabi’al Awwal, the month in which the Prophet (sas) was born, Mawlid. We must celebrate by giving charity and salawats. The night of the 12th is like Lailatul Qadr. The most important thing is to love the Prophet (sas), the Beloved of Allah, and to teach this love to our children.
Dec26 2014 13min
Ziyarat Mawlana
Dec25 2014 Turkish 17min
Any place where Awliya’Allah stayed for 40 days becomes a maqam for them. To visit them there is as if you were visiting them alive. You receive blessings and rewards and they are happy with you. To deny this is to have learned nothing from Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.
Zakatu-l ‘Ilm
Dec14 2014 English 10min
You should try to make your prayer and practice as perfect as you can. Listen to the scholars and learn. This brings benefit for you and for them it is like zakat - they are required to teach what they know.
We Are Servants for Allah Only
Dec13 2014 English 10min
Tariqa teaches Adab. There is an adab for the derga and an adab for the mosque. Certain things are not appropriate to be done in holy places. And to be Muslim is to accept this good advice.
Dec09 2014 English 8min
There is music for dunya and music for Allah. They are not the same. Even in the time of the Prophet (sas) they sang for him and he was happy with them.
The Real Benefit
Dec08 2014 English 30min
The Judgment Day approaches and what we need to keep safe is love for the Prophet. This brings the real benefit for this world and the next. There is so much knowledge around and clever people are being fooled into wrong belief. He tells the story of Amr ibnul ‘As.
Do Not Lose Hope
Dec07 2014 English 12min
This life is a test. There is no one, rich or poor, who is not tested. If you believe, you know that it all comes from Allah and He will reward the patient. Life is passing day by day and will be over shortly. Don’t despair.
The Last Muslim Army
Dec07 2014 English 23min
The last Muslim army was that of the Ottomans. They obeyed the orders of the Prophet (sas) and they were guided by Masha’ikh. Today there are only tyrants, no more Sultans, and Islam cannot co-exist with tyranny.
How to Ride Your Ego
Dec06 2014 English 13min
Sheikh Mehmet tells the story of Ibrahim Hakki, a Turkish wali, in order to illustrate the importance of good manners. To have good manners requires you to not follow your ego but to, little by little, learn to control it.