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1235 videos available
The Worst of Voices (31:19) Aug14 2014 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Remember Allah constantly. Live as He wishes you should live because in attaining Allah’s pleasure actions become worship. Do not rely on your nafs. Let free, it cannot be trusted just like a donkey that cannot resist braying. And the Quran reminds us: The worst of all voices is the voice of the donkey (31:19).
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Do Not Fear Death Aug13 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Nobody will live forever, so it is essential to contemplate death. Yesterday slipped by and we may not be alive tomorrow. Think and live this way. The dead one says: I was a traveller, I was called to my destination and so shall you. Cherish the present and accept Allah’s decree. No need for sadness. Contemplate death. By accepting it, its fear is removed.
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The One More Knowing Aug12 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who are proud of their knowledge must understand that Allah has given only the tiniest bit to them. Claiming to know more is foolishness because as much as a person knows, another one knows more. Be thankful even for very hot weather. It has benefit, as long as Allah and His Prophet’s advice is kept.
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Be Awake for Akhirat Aug11 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Our destination is Akhirat. We are like travellers, journeying through the desert in a caravan. It is dangerous. The heedless, the strays, will be left behind. This caravan is a company of the beloved servants of Allah. Safety means being awake and journeying with them. If not, ours will be the loss and the regret.
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Be Young Aug10 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah loves the young worshipper. To follow Allah is easy although shaitan tries to make it seem difficult. A young person has to war against many desires in order to obey Allah and in return Allah rewards him generously. Older ones also, by Allah’s consent, may achieve similar rewards by striving to remain young.
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The Time Comes Near (54:1) Aug08 2014 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
The Day of Judgement is near. The chaos of present day events is a sign of this. The greater majority of Muslims is the Ahl as-Sunnah; peaceful and quiet Muslims. People are in confusion over events but Allah is in charge. The merciful will be shown mercy. Among them are the Ottomans who await Mahdi (as) to deliver him his trust.
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Hadra Aug08 2014 17min
Sheikh Nazım
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Object and Be Thrown Out Aug07 2014 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
May Allah protect man whose nafs draws him towards evil. Allah commands but Shaytan interferes. Man must do as Allah wills. Obedience brings ease. Let man do his line of work and excel at it, as interfering with his opinions where Allah has decreed leads to chaos. Who is Shaytan to object? He who objects will be thrown out.
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The Good Advice Aug06 2014 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (s) said: May Allah protect us from the badness of our ego and our bad deeds. Advice is for Allah and it must be given carefully. It must be given with good intention and be welcomed as it trains the ego. Often advice favours dunya and material gain. This causes unhappiness. Good advice crushes the ego and generates happiness.
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The Real Belief Aug05 2014 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Iman is to have real belief. The foundation of a strong belief is to accept and follow what Allah ordered: To say the shahada, to pray, give zakat, fast and perform the Hajj. These are precious things. Allah rewards their performance by an increase in real belief. This is Allah’s wisdom.
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The Attributes of Awliya Aug04 2014 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
The Awliya are successors to the Prophet (s) and beloved to Allah. Since Adam (as) they have passed knowledge systematically, guiding people to the Right Way and to Akhirat. They tirelessly oppose Shaytan. Its grip over people saddens them. Self-denying, they are saints, fearful only of Allah and never grieving for themselves.
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Beware of Extremists Aug01 2014 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet warns us about those who don’t follow the middle way and who commit unforgivable sins in the name of Islam. Don’t be deceived. This is not Islam. Follow Ahlu s-Sunnat wa l-Jamaat, the only path that leads to goodness.
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Hadra Aug01 2014 16min
Sheikh Nazım
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Safety in Heavenly Knowledge Jul31 2014 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created a plan and an arrangement. The Prophets and Messengers were sent with them to teach people. Allah’s knowledge is above logic and mind. Logic and mind are limited; they are without benefit and a lower form of learning. True knowledge is heavenly, sent by Allah to benefit people here and Hereafter.
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Ziyarat Hj Aminah Sultan Jul28 2014 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyarat Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Jul28 2014 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hadra Jul28 2014 13min
Sheikh Nazım
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Khalifatu l-Mu’minin Jul25 2014 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
It is almost Eid although it doesn’t feel like because of the pain and suffering in the Muslim world. Why is this? Sheikh Mehmet repeats his father’s answer - it is because the Muslims follow the way of the unbelievers and are not unified under one Khalifa.
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