Sheikh Muhammad recites the Hadith that you are with the one you love. This is pure love, not the love of dunya. Time passes quickly and inshaAllah we will be with Mawlana soon.
The Essence of Shariah
May20 2014 Turkish 19min
The people who say that sufis are mushrik are wrong. Sufism is the soul of the Shariah. The seed planted by Shaykh Effendi will continue to grow and inshaAllah by the love of Allah and the Prophet all our brothers in faith will come to tariqa.
Red Turbans
May18 2014 English 29min
A group of murids visiting from Chicago renew their bayah with Sheikh Mehmet Efendi. They happily banter with Sheikh Bahauddin who recalls how much Mawlana Sheikh Nazim loved and appreciated them, particularly their red turbans.
Be with Trustworthy Ones
May15 2014 Turkish 15min
In this the first sohbat of Shaykh Muhammad, he talks about Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s high station and the reward of those who visit him or who make connection with him. He also calls for more himmat - spiritual striving - on the part of those who follow this way.
An Example of Edeb
Jan02 2013 Turkish 4min
In the very important sohbat "Edeb Ya Hu" Mawlana spoke to Shaykh Muhammad Effendi after Fajr instructing him to teach the people adab. Good Adab is the path to knowledge, Nur and nearness to Allah. Shaykh Muhammad took his father's advice and after Dhur, seeking to teach by his own example, he announced that since Mawlana is giving sohbat almost every day it is not proper for others to speak. He declared that this would be his last sohbat.
The Complaining Slave
Oct31 2012 Turkish 18min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the wisdom of being happy with Allah's Orders and tells a story about a slave who was dissatisfied with his master.
Black Magic
Oct30 2012 Turkish 17min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the danger of dealing with people who claim they have knowledge about black magic and jinn. He warns women in particular to be careful.
Takbirs of Eid
Oct24 2012 Turkish 30min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi continues speaking about the gifts of Eid, specifically the Takbirs of Eid which are obligatory, wajib and the sacrifice.
Allah's Gifts
Oct23 2012 Turkish 13min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the gifts Allah gives the Nation of The Prophet (sas), the two Eids and the blessings of fasting.
Visit the Graves on Eid
Oct22 2012 Turkish 16min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the gifts of the Holy month of Dhul Hijjah.
Allah's Orders Benefit You
Oct21 2012 Turkish 11min
Allah's orders are only for your own good. There is nothing you can do for Him but obedience brings benefit for you.
All Things Change
Oct05 2012 Turkish 22min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks in general about the benefit of being with good people and in particular of being with Mawlana.
Oct04 2012 Turkish 13min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi warns us about one of our responsibilities that Mawlana has never spoken about.
Oct03 2012 Turkish 15min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about different kinds doubt, some normal, some dangerous.
Lion, Wolf and Fox
Oct02 2012 Turkish 30min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi tells a funny story to illustrate that Allah has created a special character for each job. And he reminds people to be careful to speak the truth, especially about the Shaykh.
Islam Is Mercy
Oct01 2012 Turkish 21min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the merciful nature of Islam, to people, animals and even insects.
Biggest Benefit
Sep10 2012 Turkish 15min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi asks what brings the biggest benefit? Don't question Allah's actions because their purpose may be to keep you from sin.
Intention for Allah
Sep07 2012 Turkish 14min
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi says that it is better to be a simple worker whose intention is for Allah than a big scholar who carries so much responsibility for both his private and public actions.