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In Which The Qur'an Was Revealed (2:185) Jul12 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Only the foolish runs after dunya. What does he run after? Mountains, rocks and stones? What can he do with it? Put it in his pocket and leave? It is the holy month of Ramadan, so learn from the story of the Disciples and seek the right table.
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Aynu-l Fijah Jul11 2013 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana watched on the news the damage that was inflicted upon the mosque of the Companion Hz Khalid Ibnu-l Walid (ra), in Homs, in Syria. Mawlana on his first trip to Syria had spent one year in Homs and made a Khalwat in the mosque of the great Sahabi (ra). Therefore the news of the damage of this mosque and of the suffering of the people caused sadness above sadness that could be felt throughout this sohbat. "Aynu-l Fijah" is the main water spring in Sham.
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Sabilu-r Rashad Jul10 2013 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
The prayer, "الهم إلهمنا رشدنا- Alahumma Ilhimna Rushdana" is a treasure. Use your mind and know its limits. The child's limited mind sees the stars in Heavens and thinks they are like the lamps at home! Therefore the prophets were sent. Yet people prefer their imperfect ways to "Sabilu-r Rashad". That's why the Prophet (sas) said, "My nation will be fragmented into 73 parties, all in hell except one." Beware of the jealousy of the Christians and the Jews!
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The Iftar Table Jul09 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
O Man know what you want, in order to be able to reach it. Look for the true meaning and do not run after false appearances. Be busy with your spirituality not with your animal. Honor this holy month of Ramadan. Look after the poor and the needy without showing off or wasting. Remember that the Companions (ra) each broke his fast with two dates while the Seal of Prophets (sas) broke his with only one date. And when the mountain of Uhud shook, it was ordered to stand still because it was carrying a Prophet, a Siddiq and a Wali
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Where Is Our Grave? Jul08 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah has created us beautiful, if only we can remain beautiful! Know that Dunya is not your permanent place and that your grave is waiting for you. Your grave is waiting, yet you were not created for the grave. An animal's grave is in the earth, but, O man, learn where your real grave is and prepare for it!
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The Dress of Ramaḍān Jul07 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr prayer, Mawlānā welcomed the coming of the Holy month of Ramaḍān, and also the arrival of Shaykh Mehmet Efendi.
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The Egyptians On The Streets Jul06 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana is following the events in Egypt and is very sorry for all the people. Today after Fajr, Mawlana sent an important message to all "The Egyptians On The Streets".
Mawlana sends a warning to the people of Egypt especially the young people. Men, keep to the mosques. Ladies keep to your homes. No good can come of mixing in the streets!
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Diogenes Jul05 2013 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Learn who is Al-Insan Al-Kamil and teach the people. Why is Alexander "The Great"? Because he observed the honor and kept the rights of each creature. Yet the true value of this life he had to learn it from "Diogenes" in his barrel. These figures make us wonder if the Western civilization has ever benefited from the wisdoms of its own tradition. Was the West ever true to its claims to superiority and leadership?
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Egypt: What's Next? Jul04 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana was following the developing events in Egypt and was happy that the Egyptian people could realize their goal without bloodshed and violence. He was praying for them. Now, he asks, "What's Next?" How are they going to ensure that what they allowed to happen before will not happen again?
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The Shari'ah & The Constitution Jul03 2013 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
S. Musa (as) was ordered to take off his shoes because he was in al-Wadi al-Muqaddasi Tuwa. He was ordered to take off dunya and to come to "Us". The Disciples asked for the table and did not see that this big world is all the Divine table. And the Christians, till now, are still fighting over the table! O Muslims, Leave all fighting and look after the honour given to you, keep Allah's Shari'at! Remember that the Beloved (sas) was called to step on al-'Arsh, the Throne.
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The Prophet's Tree Jul02 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
This is a tiny drop from the endless oceans of love and beauty of the Beloved (sas). O Muslims know to whom the angels made sajdah, and to whom Adam also made. Know in whose mirror the Divine Magnificence is reflected. Know why Man's grave is a mercy to the Earth. Know what held S. Isa's (as) tongue and made S. Musa (as) drunk. Know, "لا تَحْزَنْ إِن اللَّـهَ مَعَنَا - Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us (9:40)". Know and keep Adab!
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The Never-Setting Sun Jul01 2013 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana was watching closely the explosive events in Egypt. Mawlana felt very sorry for all the people who obviously need something but do not know what they need, or what is to come next. This morning, Mawlana presented all those, fighting over their wants and needs, with the right direction in which to look. Mawlana also gave all those, arguing over Islam and Islamism, a taste of the True Islam. He said that nothing happens in this world without a reason and that what happens is deserved.
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Learn from the Sun Jul01 2013 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana points out the sun to us. Look for the light and "Learn From The Sun". Know that nothing happens without a reason, so learn and understand.
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The Nur Business Jun30 2013 Turkish 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Search for light, be in the Light Business. The Lord made man with His own Hands in the most beautiful form; the form in which He showed Himself to His Beloved. But man chooses to be bridled by shaytan. All his aches and pains are from the whip of shaytan as he is being ridden. Who wants to be first, number one, follows shaytan. They will be punished by crushing each other. You should not hurt even an ant. You rejected the system of Allah and now see what you have got.
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A Stamped Paper Jun29 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
People run away from working for Allah and choose to serve dunya. Man leaves being paid in gold and runs after being paid in " Stamped Paper"! A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Know the value and the place of each. O Man, be humble, yet know your value. Only then can you know the value of everything else and put everything in its proper place. Know that zulm is haram and forbidden and that the stick is ready!
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Where Is The Key? Jun28 2013 Turkish 47min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) asked, "Where Is The Key?" and was told that the key is with him (sas). When life enters, the embryo's heart starts beating with the zikr of Allah. O Pope, do you still remember the message of S. Isa (as)? Is it from his (as) teachings to run after Dunya and kill people? O believers remember the way and look after the key.
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The Treasury Is Opened Jun27 2013 Turkish 44min
Sheikh Nazım
When "The Treasury Is Opened", collect all the jewels you can collect. Do not waste your time running after the straw. Dunya is the goal of the animals, but Paradise is for Man. Allah promises you jewels, so why do you insist on the straw? Learn your true honor and know that if the people were to see the dress of the Prophet (sas), they would have all fallen in sajdah. But shaytan taught them, he is just like you, a man! Hasha and never!
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A Guest From Heavens Jun26 2013 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Teach the children Bismillahi-r Rahmani-r Rahim and its power. Teach them about the unchanging realities. Teach them the definition of Man and how to become one. Tell them about "The Guest From Heavens". But most of the people today prefer to sleep in the dirt of shaytan rather than to wake up to the call of Heavens to be clean. Remember Allah forbade the pig because of its lust for dirt.
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